Page 20 - Mini-Module 12
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partnership’  for  a  ‘development  partnership’  in  which  teachers  and
                         external advisors reflect collaboratively, explore problems, and work out
                         solutions together. In this study, the forms of coaching and partnership
                         have yielded constructive progress towards a collaborative team culture
                         with  teacher  change  in  both  beliefs  and  practices.  It  would  thus  be
                         easier  for  the  teachers  concerned  to  translate  their  learning  and
                         experiences into pedagogical content knowledge (Shulman, 1987).

                         3.   Knowledge  construction  requires  Liberal  Studies  teachers  to
                              engage  in  collaborative  reflection  on  the  basis  of  common
                              concerns and learn together within “communities of teachers as
                              learners” (Shulman & Shulman, 2004).

                         The effectiveness of teachers learning together within “communities of
                         teachers  as  learners”  (Shulman  &  Shulman,  2004)  has  been  well
                         documented  in  some  recent  educational  literature  (see,  for  example,
                         Tillema  &  Westhuizen,  2006;  Zellermayer  &  Tabak,  2006).  In  their
                         assertion,  collaborative  reflection  is  an  important  means  of  bringing
                         about improvements in teaching. Shulman (1987) defines reflection as:

                               What a teacher does when he or she looks back at the teaching
                               and learning that has occurred, and reconstructs, then reenacts,
                               and/or   recaptures   the   events,   the   emotions,   and   the
                               accomplishments. … Reflection is not merely a disposition … or a
                               set  of  strategies,  but  also  the  use  of  particular  kinds  of  analytic
                               knowledge brought to bear on one’s work. (p.19)

                         A  recent  literature  of  Dimmock  and  Walker  (2005)  on  learning  and
                         teaching  in  diverse  cultures  reveals  that  teachers  in  Hong  Kong  lack
                         school‐based  professional  development  practices  engaged  in  by  their
                         counterparts  in  other  Asian  countries.  They,  therefore,  have  less
                         opportunity  to  improve  practices  through  collaborative  reflection.
                         Findings from this study have therefore drawn attention to learning of

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