Page 18 - Mini-Module 12
P. 18
Possibilities of Knowledge Construction
of Liberal Studies Teachers in Hong Kong
To examine the possibilities of knowledge construction of Liberal
Studies teachers in Hong Kong, this part will discuss some
implications stemming from this module with regard to professional
development of Liberal Studies teachers.
1. Planning of professional development should be targeted at
helping Liberal Studies teachers translate knowledge into
The learning of new skills and strategies are inadequate since many
Liberal Studies teachers are unable to transfer their learning in actual
contexts relevant to both the curriculum and their students. For
educational improvement, professional development for Liberal Studies
teachers should focus on knowledge construction encompassing:
(a) deep understanding of concepts, ideas, principles, and propositions
that characterize the curriculum, such that teachers build
conceptual frameworks that guide selection of appropriate issues
and design of instructional practices;
(b) a constructivist view of learning and teaching, such that teachers
recognize the interacting relationships between the curriculum and
students. When planning instruction, teachers consider students’
cognitive and developmental stage, including prior learning and
experiences. Instead of following a predetermined path, they are
sensitive to student responses and learning during lesson delivery;
(c) the qualities of collegiality, such that teachers learn collaboratively
through staff discussions of teaching practices, co‐planning of
instruction and design of materials, mutual observation and
collective reflection.