Page 10 - Mini-Module 12
P. 10

3.  Construction of syntactic knowledge

                         The syntactic structures in Liberal Studies refer to the central role that
                         enquiry plays in the learning process, where the interplay between the
                         subject  matter  and  the  students’  thinking  takes  place  systematically.
                         Having a firm grasp of  the syntax of Liberal Studies, teachers realize
                         that the complex problems in a selected issue may be remote from the
                         experience of the students. To help students establish the conceptual
                         matches, teachers have to provide intervention or inputs by creating
                         learning  contexts  or  environments  that  activate  students’  cognitive
                         processes toward the construction of meaning.

                         Taken  as  a  whole,  teachers  with  insufficient  syntactic  knowledge  of
                         Liberal  Studies  may  encounter  difficulties  with  creating  learning
                         contexts or environments systematically that enable students to make
                         productive  use  of  their  prior  learning  and  cognitive  strategies  to
                         construct  meaning  within  a  content  discipline.  As  a  consequence,  it
                         would be hard for learning to take place when their students, being
                         unable to understand and interact meaningfully with the material or
                         experience  provided,  fail  to  undergo  the  cognitive  processes  in
                         constructivist learning. Provided that teaching does not start where the
                         learner is functioning, this barrier to constructivist learning may appear
                         in any instructional approaches. On this account, the centrality of the
                         issue  regarding  teacher  knowledge  in  an  issue‐enquiry  of  Liberal
                         Studies is not merely knowledge of pedagogy, but also “knowledge of
                         learners  and  learning”  (Grossman  et  al.,  1989).  With  this  type  of
                         knowledge,  teachers  would  consider  their  students’  cognitive  and
                         developmental  stage  when  designing  and  presenting  cognitive  and
                         social tasks. The following will discuss some instructional strategies to
                         prime  constructivist  learning  with  due  regard  to  students’  cognitive

                         To facilitate student learning in an issue‐enquiry, teachers may provide
                         scaffolds (e.g. Rosensgine & Meister, 1992; Rasmussen, 2001) in the

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