Page 55 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 55

competencies,  teaching-    learning,  educational  research,  the  quest  for  virtues,  and
                      pursuit of wisdom,  educational  criticism and  connoisseurship. He is  often  invited as
                      Keynote Speaker in national and international conferences. His academic writings are
                      typically focused on matters not addressed by the scholarly communities. He has been
                      appointed  by  the  Malaysian  Government  in  2018  as  the  Chairman  of  the  National
                      Committee to review, study and make Recommendations for Education Policy Reforms
                      acros all levels of education, from Pre School (including Home Schooling), primary and
                      secondary  schools,  post  secondary  education,  community  colleges,  polytechnics,
                      teachers institutes and university education.

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