Page 85 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 85
Prof. Michael Johanek
University of Pennsylvania
Dr Johanek is Senior Fellow, University of Pennsylvania; Director, Mid-Career
Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership and Penn Educational Leadership
Simulations Program; co-director, Red Interamericana de Liderazgo Educacional;
and Profesor Invitado Internacional, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Formerly VP of Professional Services, Teachscape; Executive Director, K-12
Professional Development, The College Board; and secondary teacher in
Cleveland, New York, and Peru. Recent work: Authentic Online Branching
Simulations: Promoting Discourse around Problems of Practice. In Dickenson/
Juarez, eds., 2016; Leadership from an Inquiry Stance. Teachers College Press
(co-ed, 2018); Making up our Mind: What School Choice is Really About. University
of Chicago (co-author, 2019).