Page 80 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 80
Dr Lawrie Drysdale
University of Melbourne
Lawrie has a background in teaching, human resource development, lecturing and
research. His career spans over 40 years in education. His professional
development activities include development, design and implementation of
leadership programs for school administrators. Lawrie is an Associate Professor in
Educational Leadership, Programme Director of Professional Masters courses, and
coordinator of the MEd and MEd (Educational Management) programmes,
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne. Lawrie
teaches in leadership, human resource management, marketing, school
effectiveness and improvement, and learning communities. His research interests
are in marketing in education (market orientation and brand management), and
successful school leadership. Currently he is a member of the International
Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP), and the International School
Leadership Development Network (ILSDN). Both organisations include teams of
international researchers who are investigating successful school leadership in a
range of contexts in over 18 countries. This research has produced important