Page 55 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 55

Qualitative Dimension on Principals’ Role to Support Teachers in

                      Assessment and Grading
                      Helene Ärlestig


                      This study focus on how principals support teachers in their work with assessing and grading
                      their students. Existing studies indicate that there are qualitative differences in the ways that
                      principals do their work. The purpose of this article is to use ideal types to identify qualitative
                      differences in the leadership provided by principals in supporting teachers’ assessment and
                      grading  work.  It  is  based  on  two  research  questions:  What  qualitative  differences  in  the
                      leadership provided by principals in support of teachers’ assessment and grading work can be
                      identified  through  a  deeper  analysis  of  the  studies  empirical  data?  What  methodological
                      considerations  are  needed  in  order  to  work  with  ideal  types  to  describe  such  qualitative


                      Principals importance as pedagogical leaders to form prerequisites and support teachers in
                      their  teaching  is  widely  recognized  (i.e.  Ärlestig  &  Törnsen,  2014;  Day,  2007;  Day,  Gu.  &
                      Sammons,  2016;  Leithwood,  Sun  &  Pollock,  2017).  In  more  and  more  countries  policy
                      highlight  principals’  importance  to  work  with  schools  core  mission;  students  learning.
                      Discussing the principal’s role and duties in supporting the work of teachers makes it possible
                      to  assess  and  develop  the  principal’s  own  work.  How  and  what  kind  of  activities  that  are
                      prioritized gain different results and focus. Assessment and grading and how it is preformed
                      has a direct link to teaching quality and school results. Teachers have different prerequisites
                      and  support  to  manage  this  important  task.  Using  a  method  that  create  character  groups
                      differences in leadership style can be visualized.

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