Page 13 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 13


         2:50 p.m.               Break
         3:15 p.m.               Working Session II:
                                 Research Leadership – What Leaders Want
         4:30 p.m.               Summary

         6:30 p.m.               Dinner

         March 20, 2018 (Tuesday)
         9:00 a.m.               Welcome

         9:10 a.m.               Keynote Speech #4
                                 Dr Qian Haiyan
                                 The Education University of Hong Kong
                                 Leadership and Teacher Professional Learning in China

         9:50 a.m.               Break
         10:15 a.m.              Working Session III:
                                 Leadership for Learning Across Cultures
         11:30 a.m.              Keynote / Summary Speech of ALR 2018
                                 Prof. James Spillane
                                 Northwestern University
                                 Researching Leadership and Teacher Learning: Back to (Research) Basics
         12:00 n.n.              Summary
         12:15 p.m.              Lunch

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