Page 111 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 111
Review of Studies on Instructional Leadership (2011-2017)
in Malaysia based on PIMRS Model
Quah Cheng Sim and Mistrine Radin
Instructional leadership is a critical aspect of school leadership in influencing teaching
and learning. In this paper, the authors conducted a review of analysis on 23 studies of
instructional leadership in Malaysia. Those studies, whether written in English or Malay
language have been selected based on the criteria that they have been published in
scientific journals and conference proceedings during the period of 2011 to 2017 and
have employed the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) (Hallinger,
1982/1990/ 2015) as the data collection instrument. The review encompassed studies
on samples of teachers, principals and school leaders at various levels of primary and
secondary schools as well as colleges across Malaysia. The purpose of this review is to
gain insight on the instructional leadership trends in Malaysia based on the PIMRS
model and hopefully to enhance hindsight of instructional leadership practice among
school leaders in Malaysia when comparing the findings with other PIMRS literatures.
Specifically, this paper aims to observe the level of instructional leadership practice,
the priority in practicing the three domains of Hallinger's (2003) Model as well as
describing the studies of correlational statistical tests of instructional leadership with
other variables. Besides that, this review also aims to ascertain the categorization of
conceptual instructional leadership model on Malaysian studies by Hallinger and
Adams (2017). Descriptive method was used to synthesize trends of instructional
leadership among Malaysian school leaders based on the 23 studies conducted in
Malaysia. Data analysis focused on the level of instructional leadership practices, the
preference in practicing the three domains of Hallinger's (2003) Model as well as
highlighting the trends of main findings related to the PIMRS model.