Page 110 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 110

Dr Quah Cheng Sim
                                      Institut Aminuddin Baki

              Dr Quah is a senior lecturer attached to Institute Aminuddin Baki, Malaysia. Her
              Master  and  Doctorate  Degree  are  pertinent  to  Educational  Administration,
              Management and Leadership. She is currently a member of the Editorial Board of
              the Horizon Research, Universal Journal of Educational Research, United States.
              She is also a referee in EMAL journal under SAGE, UK besides actively involved as
              "peer reviewer" in a few international journals for the past few years.  Currently,
              she  holds  the  Vice  President  post  for  the  International  Conference  in  Advance
              Management (ICAM), United States from year 2013 until now. She has received a
              Leadership Award in July 2014 in Los Angeles, United States in recognition for her
              scholarly contribution to ICAM conference.

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