Centre News Archive |
December 2015 | |||||||||||||
Professor Allan Walker awarded The Edwin M. Bridges Award
Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, was awarded The Edwin M. Bridges Award at the 2015 annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) in recognition of his significant contributions to the preparation and development of school leaders. The award was presented in November 2015.
EPL-APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar on December 15, 2015
Dr. James Ko, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Seminar on 'Consistency of teaching effectiveness and differential effectiveness among teachers: Same preliminary findings from an ECS study ' for HKIEd academic staff and students on December 15, 2015.
Local research on teaching practices in Hong Kong is rare except Tsui (2003) on expertise teaching. Cheng (1999) on washback effect of examinations on teaching, and Cheng and Mok (2008) paradigm shift teaching practices, Dr. Ko will report findings from his Early Career Scheme project on the consistency of teacher effectiveness and student engagement. Using the classroom observation approach, the most informative approach in studying classroom processes (Wragg, 1999), this project studies over 400+ lessons 200+ teachers from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou with multiple observation instruments. Two or more trained postgraduate students rated the extent to which the statements in instruments could describe the observed teacher behaviours in a video-taped lesson supplied by a participating teacher. In this seminar, Dr. Ko will discuss the theoretical framework of his study and show the results of statistical comparisons of teachers using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in various teacher dimensions and global judgements on teaching quality. Because Hong Kong teachers did not appear to be superior to their counterparts in other regions in most individual teacher dimensions, Dr. Ko will also discuss the implications of these findings and the state-of-the-art of research findings for education policy and teacher professional development. |
Leaders from 8 countries graduate from IELC
The latest batch of graduates of the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC) programme came from all corners of world. The programme is designed for aspiring and serving school leaders in international schools across the region and around the world. It is renowned for it’s innovative on-line format and its focus on applying theoretical knowledge to real leadership situations. This year, graduates came from schools in Malaysia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, South Africa, mainland China and Serbia – bringing a tremendous range of experience. Students graduating from the IELC are eligible for the award of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Certificate in Leadership Practice and IB Certificate in Leadership Research. HKIEd is one of only five universities formally authorised by IB to offer these prestigious certificates. The programme continues to pioneer cutting edge online learning approaches to bring up-to-date leadership knowledge, generated at HKIEd from across the region, to cohorts of experienced global leaders. More information about the IELC can be found at http://www.ied.edu.hk/ielc/
November 2015 | |||||||||||||
APCLC wins Research Grant from The International Baccalaureate Organization (USA)
Dr. Darren Bryant, Prof. Allan Walker, Dr. Theresa Alviar, in partnership with Prof. Jim Spillane of Northwestern University in the US were awarded a competitive research grant to investigate the enactment of middle leadership in International Baccalaureate (IB) continuum schools from a distributed leadership perspective.
For more information about the project, please visit the project website. |
Paper presentation at 2015 UCEA Annual Convention Prof. Allan Walker and his HK counter parts (Dr Darren Bryant and Dr Qian Haiyan, APCLC research fellows) gave presentation at the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2015 in San Diego, California on November 21, 2015. Prof. Walker’s presentation entitled “Leadership development across the globe” and was given at the Symposium of “The Handbook of Research on the Education of School Leaders: The Historical, Social and Political Context of Preparation and Research on Preparation” of the Convention. To know more about the paper presentation, please visit UCEA website.
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2015
The APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Teachers’ Conceptions of Excellent Teaching and Its Relationships to Self-reported Teaching Practices " by The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html. |
Visit for Director of Schools Raffles Group of Schools Dr. Gary Tan, Director of Schools Raffles Group of Schools will visit the APCLC on November 5, 2015. During his visit, he and Dr. Darren Bryant, Associate Director of APCLC discussed possible collaborative research endeavours between the Raffles Group of Schools and the APCLC.
October 2015 | |||||||||||||
School Principal Forum, October 2015
Around 100 Educational leaders from aided, government, direct subsidy and international schools, school sponsoring bodies as well as the Curriculum Development Institute and Quality Assurance Division of the Education Bureau came to the School Principal Forum organized by the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) to discuss high impact leadership and school improvement. The Forum was held on Oct 9 at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel. Participants engaged with Chair Professor Andy Hargreaves of Boston College who presented improvement strategies informed by research in high performing organisations from across business, sport, industrial and education sectors. The forum allowed participants to identify approaches to support higher achievement in their own organisations.
Visit for Dean and Senior Associate Dean, Faculty of Education at The University of British Columbia Prof. Bly Frank, Dean of Faculty of Education and Prof. Tom Sork, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty of Education visited the APCLC on October 22, 2015. During their visit, they and Dr. Darren Bryant, Associate Director of APCLC discussed possible collaborative research endeavours between the University of British Columbia and the APCLC. |
APCLC Knowledge Transfer / Academic Exchange Programme –
Leaders from Executive Development for Educational Leaders Program Northern Territiories, Australia and Queensland Eduational Leadership Institute (QELi) The APCLC offered a Leading Learning programme for Leaders from Northern Territiories, Australia and Queensland Educational Leadership Institute (QELi) from October 16-17, 2015. |
September 2015 | |||||||||||||
APCLC School Principal Forum on October 9, 2015
Prof. Andy Hargreaves will conduct a School Principal forum on 'Uplifting Leadership ' for APCLC in October. Details below: Date: October 9, 2015 (Friday) About the Forum Through compelling stories from rigorous research undertaken with 15 inspiring organizations in 8 countries on 4 continents, Hargreaves will show how we uplift performance by uplifting ourselves and each other in pursuit of a higher purpose and calling that is greater than any one of us. Participants in this all-day, interactive workshop will engage with the evidence, examples and ideas and apply each of the six principles of uplifting leadership to their own practice, coming away with new strategies to renew their leadership and improve their workplaces. About Prof. Andy Hargreaves Andy has authored or edited over 30 books, several of which have achieved outstanding writing awards from the American Educational Research Association, the American Libraries Association, and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. One of these, Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (with Michael Fullan), has received three prizes including the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Education for 2015. Andy serves as adviser in education to the Premier of Ontario, is founding editor of two scholarly journals, and is President Elect of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. He holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Uppsala in Sweden and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the UK. In 2015, he was ranked the #6 scholar with most influence on US education policy debate. Andy consults with organizations and governments all over the world. His other most recent books are Uplifting Leadership (with Alan Boyle and Alma Harris) published by Jossey Bass Business, 2014; and The Global Fourth Way (with Dennis Shirley) published by Corwin, 2012.
Workshop on Action Planning with St. Margaret’s Co-Educational English Secondary and Primary School
On Wednesday, 30th September 2015, Dr. Darren Bryant, Associate Director of the APCLC, led a two hour workshop on Action Planning with 15 senior and middle leaders at St. Margaret’s Co-Educational English Secondary and Primary School. During the session, participants worked on developing action plans by using an approach that applies concepts related to educational change and distributed leadership to strategic school improvement.
Paper presentations and Expert Discussion at The World Education Research Association (WERA)’s Annual Focal Meeting 2015
Prof. Cheng Yin-cheong, APCLC Senior Research Fellow and Research Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, was invited to give presentation with his international and Hong Kong counterparts at Symposium of WERA’s annual Focal Meeting 2015 in Budapest.
Paper presentations at European Education Research Association (EERA) Annual Meeting 2015
Dr. James Ko (Research Fellow of APCLC and Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership) gave paper presentations at the European Education Research Association (EERA) Annual Meeting 2015, Budapest on September 8, 2015. His presentation topic is “Two dimensions of consistency in teacher effectiveness: preliminary findings from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou”.
Paper presentation at The Education Symposium Switzerland and International School Leadership Symposium
Dr. Qian Haiyan (Research Fellow of APCLC and Assistant Professor at Department of Education and Policy Leadership) and Prof. Allan Walker (Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Director of APCLC) and their China counterpart gave paper presentation at The Education Symposium Switzerland and International School Leadership Symposium the Symposium, Switzerland on September 3, 2015. Their paper presentation topic is “The Education of Migrant Children in Shanghai: Battle for Equity”. |
Prof. CHIU, Chi-shing becomes Associate Director of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) and the Centre for Excellence Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Prof. CHIU, Chi-shing, Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership, has been appointed as Associate Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) and the Centre for Excellence Learning and Teaching (CELT) at The Hong Kong Institute of Education with effect from September 1, 2015. |
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2015
The APCLC-HKPI Monograph"Instructional Leadership Practices in Singapore" by Dr. David Ng Foo Seong is released in September 2015. Singapore education is widely recognized as a robust system that produces one of the highest levels of student achievement in international studies such as TIMMS, PIRLS and PISA. However, a recent review of the extant literature on educational leadership in Singapore has revealed a dearth of empirical research on principalship in general and on principal instructional leadership in particular. This quantitative study seeks to advance the understanding of Singapore principals’ instructional leadership practices. Findings form this monograph would also help to enrich the comparative literature on instructional leadership. The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html. |
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2015
The APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Review of Research on Educational Leadership and Management in Hong Kong, 1995-2012: Topographical Analysis of an Emergent Knowledge Base" by Prof. Philip Hallinger, Dr. Theodore Lee and Dr. Elson Szeto is released in September 2015. The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html. |
August 2015 | |||||||||||||
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2015
The APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Giving Children Hope: Implications for Schools and Leaders" by Prof Bruce Barnett is released in August 2015. Growing concerns about violence, drug abuse, school drop outs, and the civic and political disenchantment of our youth have caught the attention of policymakers, community agencies, religious institutions, and school systems. A significant consequence of these social conditions is the sense of hopelessness expressed by children and young adults. In America, upwards of 30% of adolescents have a sense of hopelessness (Child Trends, 2012), which poses significant challenges for school systems and leaders, whose role is to prepare students for future success. Given these circumstances, this monograph proposes the moral imperative for 21st century school leaders is to build students’ hope for a bright future. To build this argument, the article asserts school leaders must become moral stewards by helping students develop a greater sense of future success. Using elements of hope theory--goal development, motivation, and pathways--as the foundation for action, promising ways for how school leaders can understand and apply these elements to become agents of hope for our youth are explored. The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html. |
EPL-APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar on August 18, 2015
Dr. James Ko, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Seminar on 'Crisis Management and Media Relations' for Hong Kong Principals and teachers on August 18, 2015.
About the Seminar To know more about the seminar and online registration, please visit the website. |
Dr Lu Jiafang gave presentation and received the Best Paper Award of Organizational Behavior Division and at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Dr. Lu Jiafang (Associate Director of APCLC and Associate Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership) and her research counterparts gave a paper presentation and received the Best Paper Award of Organizational Behavior Division at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver on August 7-11, 2015. Their presentation topic is “The Antecedents of Engagement in Team Leadership: A Leader-Member Interaction Perspective”. |
Visit for IBO Consultant and Senior Evaluator and Fellow of Centre for Program Evaluation, Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne
Dr Gerard Calnin, IBO Consultant and Senior Evaluator and Fellow of Centre for Program Evaluation, Graduate School of Education at The University of Melbourne, visited the APCLC on August 8-12, 2015. During the visit, he will discuss and provide professional consultation to the APCLC and FEHD in developing the undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes of Teaching IB in HK schools. |
July 2015 | |||||||||||||
EPL - APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar on July 30, 2015
Dr. Choi Taehee, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Knowledge Transfer Seminar on 'L1 and L2 as resources for student learning: A language teacher's navigation through multiple demands on medium of instruction in South Korea' for HKIEd faculty on July 30, 2015.
About the Seminar In this seminar Dr. Choi focused on the ways in which Korean and English are used for formative assessment purposes, and the rationales behind the use. Through discourse analysis, Dr. Choi illustrated the relationship between languages-in-use, contextual features and teachers' belief and knowledge. It is hoped that this discussion will contribute to the debate on the use of L1 in L2 learning and teaching. |
Keynote Presentation at Council of International Schools Regional Conference 2015
Prof. Allan Walker (Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Director of APCLC and Dean of FEHD) was invited to give a keynote presentation at the Council of International Schools Regional Conference in Gold Coast on July 23, 2015. This multidisciplinary conference links research in education for global citizenship, research in the role of the school leaders in promoting global citizenship education and classroom teaching practice. Prof. Walker’s presentation is entitled “Leading international schools – the leaders we want? ”. To know more about Prof Walker’s presentation and the conference, please visit the website. |
Paper presentation at 2015 British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual LLT SIG Conference
Dr. Choi Tae Hee (Research Fellow of APCLC and Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership) gave a paper presentation at the 2015 British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual LLT SIG Conference, Edinburgh on July 2-3, 2015. Her presentation topic is “L1 & L2 in Formative Assessment: Bilingual Repertoires in Language Classrooms in South Korea”. |
Visit for Director of International Graduate Centre of Education, Faculty of Law, Education, Business and Arts (IGCE)
Prof. Sue Shore, Director of International Graduate Centre of Education, Faculty of Law, Education, Business and Arts (IGCE), visited the APCLC on 14 July, 2015. During the visit, she discussed the collaboration between APCLC and IGCE with Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Director of APCLC. |
School Improvement Institute 2015
Each year the Executive MA in Leadership and Change (EMA) hosts a School Improvement Institute (SII) for school leaders from throughout the region. The 5th such Institute was held in Hong Kong in early July. The key theme this year is Conflict, Crises and Culture – this year’s theme addresses challenges we face to our leadership. These challenges could come from factors external to the school, but most often they arise in day-to-day contexts. The EMA is a cutting-edge online program that has attracted school leaders and professionals from Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakistan, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Mainland China. For more information of the Summer Improvement Institute and the EMA programme, please visit: http://www.ied.edu.hk/ielc/. |
EPL - APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar on July 3, 2015
Dr. Qian Haiyan, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Knowledge Transfer Seminar on 'Research on Chinese Principals and Their Work: A Synthesis of International and Chinese Literature' for HKIEd faculty on July 3, 2015.
About the Seminar |
June 2015 | |||||||||||||
School Principal Forum Around 100 principals and other educational leaders from 17 international and ESF schools, and more than 50 Hong Kong Primary, Secondary and Special Schools representing 32 school sponsoring bodies came together to discuss the latest research around school design and redesign. The Forum was held on May 29 in Tsim Sha Tsui. The Forum asked leaders to rethink the work of instructional improvement by helping them to focus on the educational infrastructure at the school and school systems levels. The Forum was designed to help participants challenge dominant notions of expertise and capacity and consider new distributed notions of expertise and instructional leadership and management. The principals discussed the essentials of a distributed perspective on expertise, engaged in applying the distributed perspective for diagnosis and design work in leading and managing instructional quality and improvement.
Dr. Qian Haiyan embarked on a collaborative study between academics in Hong Kong and Shanghai Dr Qian recently embarked on a collaborative study between academics in Hong Kong and Shanghai to investigate how school leaders perform their roles to lead school-based research and develop teacher and school capacity. Titled “Leading school-based research to improve student learning: Lessons from Shanghai”, the study aims to identify and analyze the key roles of school leaders in leading school-based research to improve student learning, build an in-depth understanding of the leadership strategies and practices associated with the successful promotion and implementation of school-based research.
Blended Learning @ FEHD: Stories from the Frontline Dr. Darren Bryant, Associate Director of APCLC and Assistant Professor of EPL and Dr. Lam Bick Har, Research Fellow of APCLC and Associate Professor of C&I shared their experience in the sharing session, 'Blended Learning @ FEHD: Stories from the Frontline' for HKIEd faculty on Jun 3, 2015.
About the Sharing Session |
May 2015 | |||||||||||||
APCLC Leaders' Forum on May 29, 2015 Prof. James Spillane conducted a leaders' forum on 'Educational Infrastructure Design and Redesign: Engaging with the Real Challenge of Instructional Improvement in Schools' for APCLC in May. Details below:
About the Forum |
Plenary Speech at the International Seminar on School Leadership organized by School of Education of University of Tampere Prof. Cheng Yin-cheong, APCLC Senior Research Fellow and Research Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, was invited to give a plenary speech at the International Seminar on School Leadership organized by School of Education of University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. The topic of Prof. Cheng’s plenary speech is “Re-define school leadership for learning: Missing links and future developments”. The School of Education at the University of Tampere organises an international seminar on the future of primary and secondary school with the special emphasis on the school leadership and the school autonomy. School leadership is currently under change and more research is needed in providing understanding on the practices of developing modern learning environments for better learning, leading bigger school units as well as on the importance of developing future skills. |
EPL - APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar on May 28, 2015 Dr. Liu Peng, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Knowledge Transfer Seminar on 'Motivating Teachers' Commitment to Change by Transformational School Leadership in Chinese Urban Upper Secondary Schools' for HKIEd faculty on May 28, 2015.
About the Seminar |
Visit for Director of School Support & Evaluation of Council of International Schools, The Netherlands Dr. Graham Ranger, Director of School Support & Evaluation of Council of International Schools (CoIS), The Netherlands, visited the APCLC on May 2, 2015. During the visit, he discussed the collaborative school improvement and student experiential learning projects of international schools in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific and Europe to be jointly hosted by the APCLC and the CoIS with Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Director of APCLC. |
EPL-APCLC Research Seminar on May 8, 2015
About the Seminar Teacher leadership lies at the heart of school improvement. Many studies of teacher leadership focus on the role of more experienced teachers with relatively little emphasis on the early career teachers. Development of early career teacher leadership is largely understudied. This presentation examines teacher leadership development from a sample of Hong Kong early career teachers. It discusses the experiences of these teachers in different types of schools: primary, secondary and special schools. The findings show that it is impossible for early career teachers to develop teacher leadership and the principal plays a critical role to facilitate such development. Implications for school leadership are discussed. |
APCLC Knowledge Transfer Talk on May 18, 2015 Dr. Liu Peng, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Knowledge Transfer Talk on 'Transformational Leadership Research' for faculty and students from Southwest University on May 18, 2015. |
April 2015 | |||||||||||||
Memorandum of Understanding Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between International School Leadership of Ontario Principals’ Council (ISL) and the Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at the Hong Kong Institute of Education on April 14, 2015. |
The 53rd Annual Meeting of Journal of Educational Administration On 17 April, the 53rd Annual meeting of the Journal of Educational Administration (JEA) was held in Chicago, USA in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting 2015. At the meeting, JEA authors, reviewers, board members and affiliates of the APCLC attended the function. Highlights of the meeting include the honoring of: Senior scholars who have made enduring contributions to the field of educational leadership, on which they have reflected in a Legacy Paper for the JEA Legacy Series:
‘Ross Thomas Outstanding Paper Award’
‘Emerald / European Foundation for Management and Development (EFMD)
EPL-APCLC Research Seminar on April 22, 2015
About the Seminar This seminar reports on a study that investigated the use of inquiry learning (IL) approach for intellectually disabled (ID) students. It drew on findings from the trial lessons of 6 classes of ID students in a project developing an adapted General Studies Curriculum for ID students at primary level. Data analysis focused on examining how IL was employed for intellectually disabled students. Evidences were collected from lesson plans, video-taped teaching periods and post lesson reflection of teachers to identify teaching strategies of applying IL for ID students. These strategies, which were classified into seven aspects of concern, were put under scrutiny from the perspective of Cognitive Load Theory to uncover the foundation and effect of these strategies on enabling IL opportunities for ID students. The study concluded that teachers should take an active role to ensure the appropriate IL process to cater the students' learning needs so as to develop their fundamental skills for inquiry. |
Visit for Peabody College of Vanderbilt University Dr Xiu Cravens on behalf of the Peabody College of Vanderbilt University visited the APCLC on April 10, 2015. During the visit, Dr Cravens and Prof Allan Walker discussed possible education collaboration endeavours between the Vanderbilt University and the APCLC. |
APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar for Senior Teachers in Futian District Shenzhen City Prof. Edmond Law, Professor at C&I and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a Knowledge Transfer Seminar on 'Learning Theories' for Senior Teachers in Futian District Shenzhen City on 11 April, 2015. |
March 2015 | |||||||||||||
Dr Qian Haiyan Gave Keynote Presentation at Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015 Dr Qian Haiyan, Research Fellow of APCLC and Assistant Professor at Department of Education Policy and Leadership at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, was invited to give keynote presentation at the Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015 (ALR 2015), which was held in Bangkok from 9 to 10 March 2015. She argued that answers to each of these questions involved pitfalls, puzzles and promises. The pitfalls are problems that often drag local researchers away from building a solid knowledge base. They include: (i) researchers are still constrained by stereotyped views about the East and the West where researchers from the inside tend to use the Western models as reference points to identify the gaps; (ii) When we use concepts and terms borrowed from the Western literature to examine our realities, we are often encountered with the difficulties to capture the complexities and nuances; and (iii) The research conventions are built on the basis of the Western standards and we do not give due recognition to research conducted in different traditions. Examining the three questions also leaves us with some puzzles which may lead to further uncertainties in building the indigenous knowledge base:
The Asia Leadership Roundtable was launched in 2010. It brings together internationally renowned scholars from around the world to interact with high potential young scholars from Hong Kong and the region. Following the first roundtable in 2010, subsequent annual events have been organized by the APCLC in collaboration with regional partners in Thailand, Vietnam and China. This builds regional capacity and creates a boarder sense of ownership and commitment. This year's Roundtable theme "Building and Connecting an Asian Knowledge Base in Educational Leadership" allows regional and global education scholars and practitioners come together to share research findings related to instructional leadership; to build national literatures in educational leadership; and to connect an Asian Knowledge Base in educational leadership to the global knowledge base. To learn more about Dr Qian’s presentation, please visit the Asia Leadership Roundtable website. |
Professor Allan Walker Gave International Educational Leadership Learning Workshops at the IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2015 In March 2015, Professor Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, was invited to conduct the International Education Leaders’ Learning Workshops at the IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference from 19-21 March 2015, in Macao, China. |
Visit for Dr Richard Hickman, Dean of Homerton College at University of Cambridge Dr Richard Hickman, Dean of Homerton College at University of Cambridge visited the APCLC on March 18-20, 2015. During his visit, he and Prof. Allan Walker discussed possible collaborative research endeavours between the University of Cambridge and the APCLC. |
Paper presentation at IB Asia Pacific Conference 2015 Dr Darren Bryant, APCLC Associate Director and Assistant Professor at Department of Education Policy Leadership, HKIEd gave a paper presentation at the IB Asia Pacific Conference 2015 at Macau on March 19-21, 2015. His paper topic is “Developing Middle Leaders in IB schools: Opportunities, Challenges, and Support Structures”. |
Paper presentation at The Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015 APCLC Research Fellows gave presentations at The Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015 with the theme “Emerging Practices: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, on 20 Mar 2015.
To know more about their presentations, please visit the conference website. |
Visit for Mr Ji Chengzhong and Ms Iris Xu, Shenzhen Futian District International Education Centre Mr Ji Chengzhong, Director of Shenzhen Futian District International Education Centre and Ms Iris Xu, his associate, visited APCLC on March 20, 2015. During their visit, they discussed possible education collaboration endeavours between Shenzhen Futian District International Education Centre and the APCLC. |
Panel Speech at the 6th Asia Education Leaders Forum Prof. Cheng Yin-cheong, APCLC Senior Research Fellow and Research Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, was invited to give a panel speech at the Asia Education Leaders Forum/ Education Partnership Forum at the World-didac Asia, AsiaWorld-ExPo, Hong Kong. The topic of Prof. Cheng’s panel speech is “How arts reshape learning for imagination, creativity and multiple thinking”. The 6th Asia Education Leaders Forum (AELF) was held in conjunction with the Worlddidac Asia 2015 Exhibition and the Education Partnership Forum on March 18-20, 2015 at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong. The conference is officially supported by Education Bureau, The Government of Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong Education City, the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, UNESCO Hong Kong Association, and Worlddidac Association. The conference expects to attract education leaders and professionals from across the region. The AELF 2015 conference is with the theme "Towards becoming a centre of Excellence” and it will feature Ministerial keynotes as well as over forty global and regional inspiring speakers under a highly interactive and interesting new format which offer thought provoking discussion in 3 categories: What’s next for education? Shouldn’t Learning be fun? and Learning a living. |
Visit for Dr Andreas Rupp, Director of Leadership Training and Education Knowledge Foundation at the Reutlingen University (Germany) Dr Andreas Rupp, Director of Leadership Training and Education Knowledge Foundation at the Reutlingen University visited the APCLC on March 12, 2015. During his visit, he and Prof. Allan Walker discussed possible collaborative research endeavours between the Knowledge Foundation at the Reutlingen University and the APCLC. |
Februray 2015 | |||||||||||||
Visit for Dr Misty Kirby, University of Canberra Dr Misty Kirby, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education, Science, Technology & Mathematics of University of Canberra and Research Fellow of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, HKIEd will visit the APCLC during Feb 23- April 2, 2015.
Dr. Kirby works as an Assistant Professor, teaching courses in Education Leadership and Change with Masters and Doctoral students, Doctoral Research Methods, as well as courses in Teacher as Researcher with Teacher Education Undergraduates. She is a former Secondary English classroom teacher, having taught years 6-11 (in the USA: MS, NY, VA), in public schools and in two institutional settings (juvenile detention centre and a prison for young men). |
Professor Allan Walker Gives International Educational Leadership Talks for the International Baccalaureate® and The Council of International Schools In October 2014 and January 2015, Professor Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, presented two talks as an invited keynote speaker at two influential conferences that target the international school leadership community:
In Prof. Walker’s CoIS talk "Intercultural Perspectives: Implications for educational leadership”, Professor Walker illuminated the influence of culture on school leadership and the context of intercultural schools. Prof Walker suggested a number of learning avenues through which leaders can consciously reframe and better understand problems and solutions around these intercultural school contexts. These interrelated avenues include learning beyond standardised leadership prescriptions, simultaneously trusting and mistrusting experience, learning through student learning, learning through variation, learning through looking beyond culture and learning through curiosity. More importantly, authentic intercultural leadership is particularly attuned to the values, beliefs and behavioural uniqueness of the students, teachers and others which comprise the community. More than 200 academics, international educators and scholar-practitioners in international education attended the talk. The IB was founded in 1968 and is a non-profit educational foundation offering four highly respected programmes of international education that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. The IB has a hard-earned reputation for high standards of teaching, pedagogical leadership and student achievement. It works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. On 11 December 2014, there were 4,972 IB programmes being offered worldwide, across 3,968 schools. The CoIS is a membership community committed to high quality international education. The CoIS provides services to primary and secondary schools, higher education institutions and individuals that share these ideals: a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens; and a commitment to high quality international education. The CoIS community includes more than 680 schools and 490 colleges and universities representing 109 countries. To learn more about Professor Walker’s work on international education and international educational leadership, please visit: |
Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015 Professor Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, is pleased to announce the Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015 will be hosted by the APCLC and Faculty of Education at Chulalongkorn University on March 8-10, 2015 in Bangkok. Themed “Building and Connecting an Asian Knowledge Base in Educational Leadership” allows 60+ regional and international education scholars, practitioners, training managers, policymakers, and principals from 15 countries and territories in the region and beyond come together to (i) share research findings related to instructional leadership; (ii) build national literature in educational leadership; and, more importantly, (iii) connect an Asian Knowledge Base in educational leadership. Prof. Dr. Wichit Srisa-an, Former Minister of Education in Thailand, Dr. Qian Haiyan, Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Prof. Philip Hallinger, Visiting Professor of Faculty of Education at Chulalongkorn University will deliver key speeches while Prof. Bruce Barnett from University of Texas at San Antonio, and Dr David Gurr from University of Melbourne will deliver provocateur presentations. Prof. Alma Harris, Director of the Institute of Educational Leadership at University of Malaya, Prof. Clive Dimmock, Chair in Professional Learning and Leadership at the University of Glasgow and Dr. Truong Dinh Thang of the Quang Tri Teacher Training College in Vietnam will conduct an expert panel discussion on Connecting an Asian Knowledge Base in Educational Leadership. APCLC Research Fellows: Prof Wendy Pan, Dr. Saliesh Sharma, Dr. David Ng, Dr Pongsin Viseshsiri, Dr Ori Eyal, Dr Qian Haiyan and Dr Elson Szeto and Dr. Truong Dinh Thang and APCLC Associate Directors Dr. Darren Bryant and Dr. Lu Jiafang will share their knowledge articulated from the reviews of national literatures in educational leadership and research findings related to instructional leadership. For details, please visit the Roundtable website at www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/roundtable2015/. |
International Workshop for Korean Educational Development Institute Dr. Choi Tae Hee, Assistant Professor at EPL and Research Fellow of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of HKIEd conducted a International Workshop on 'HK educational system & Understanding the process of innovations' for Korean Educational Development Institute in February, 2014. |
January 2015 | |||||||||||||
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2015 The APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Leading International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Schools in Developing Countries: A Review of Issues and Challenges" by Moosung Lee, Ewan Wright, Allan Walker and Lynette Leung will be released in March. |
Invited Presentation and Knowledge Transfer Summit at Annual Forum of Council of International Schools (CoIS) Prof. Allan Walker (Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Director of APCLC and Dean of FEHD) was invited to give a presentation cum knowledge transfer summit at the Annual Forum of Council of International Schools (CoIS) in London on January 19, 2015. An audience of more than 100 international education leaders and scholar-practitioners will attend the forum. Prof Walker’s presentation is entitled “Intercultural Perspectives: Implications for educational leadership”. To know more about Prof Walker’s presentation and knowledge transfer summit, please visit the CoIS website. |
Visit for Dr Zheng Yulian, Guizhou Normal College, China Dr Zheng Yulian, Associate Professor at Guizhou Normal College and Research Fellow of APCLC, will visit the APCLC during January 11 -24, 2015. During Dr Zheng's visit, she provided HKIEd faculty professional consultation for the development of regional and international research projects of instructional leadership. |