Centre News Archive |
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December 2013 | |||
APCLC – FEHD Research Excellence Seminar on Dec 18, 2013 Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC and Joseph Lau Chair Professor of Leadership and Change conducted a Research Excellence seminar on 'Conducting a World Class Review of the Literature' for HKIEd faculty in December. Details below:
About the Seminar Objectives of this seminar
APCLC Research Fellow attended Expert Discussion Meeting of Learning Leadership at The Barcelona International Conference of Learning Leadership Dr James Ko, APCLC Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership was invited to the expert discussion of Learning Leadership meeting at the Barcelona International Conference of Learning Leadership in Spain on Dec 2-6, 2013. To know more about the Learning Leadership Meeting, please visit http://learningleadershipconference.cat/en/ . |
November 2013 | |||
Invited Paper Presentation at The Second International Conference of The Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP) Sharjah – Under the Auspices of UNESCO Prof. Allan Walker, Director of APCLC and Dean of FEHD, was invited to give paper presentation at The Second International Conference of The Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP) Sharjah – Under the Auspices of UNESCO on 'Educational Planning and the 21st Century Challenges' on November 27-28. Professor Walker's paper presentation was focused on Leadership and outstanding academic achievements. To know more about Prof Walker's presentation and the conference, please visit the conference website . |
APCLC – FEHD Quality Teaching Seminar on November 20, 2013 Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC and Joseph Lau Chair Professor of Leadership and Change conducted a quality teaching seminar on 'Strategies for Motivating and Engaging Students to Learn' for HKIEd faculty in November. Details below:
About the Seminar Are you a university instructor unhappy with your SET evaluation, or would you simply like to gain a stronger sense that you are making a difference with your students? Or are you a student teacher wondering how you will deal with the task of engaging students during your first lessons in a school? Regardless of where you teach, student motivation is central to teacher (and student) success. We can quickly observe when students lack motivation before a lesson begins (e.g. absenteeism, lateness), during a lesson (off-task behavior, boredom, lack of responsiveness), and after class (missed, late, or poor quality assignments). Who is responsible and what can teachers do to enhance student motivation to learn? Using a framework of learner motivation, we will identify practical teaching and learning strategies designed to increase student engagement. You will leave the seminar with specific instructional techniques that you can apply in lessons on the very same day. Objectives of this seminar
Keynote Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Theme: Higher Learning in the ASEAN Context (ICTL2013) Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC, was invited to give a keynote presentation at the 4th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Theme: Higher Learning in the ASEAN Context (ICTL2013), co-organized by Stamford International University, INTI International University and Laureate International Universities, which was held on November 13-15 in Bangkok, Thailand. The keynote topic is "Accelerating Sustainable Research Performance in ASEAN: Strategies for Capacity Development." To know more about Prof. Hallinger's keynote, please visit the conference website . |
Paper Presentation at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention 2013 Prof. Allan Walker (Director of APCLC and Dean of FEHD), Dr Qian Haiyan and Prof Yang Xiaowei (Senior Research Fellow and Research Fellow of APCLC) gave a paper presentation at the UCEA Convention 2013 at Indianapolis on November 7-10, 2013. Their paper topic is "Ordinary" schools in Shanghai: How principals can make a difference . To know more about Prof Walker, Dr Qian and Prof Yang's paper presentation, please visit the Convention website . |
October 2013 | |||
APCLC – FEHD Wellbeing and Knowledge Transfer Seminar on October 17, 2013 Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC and Joseph Lau Chair Professor of Leadership and Change conducted a wellbeing and knowledge transfer seminar on 'Am I Making Difference? Learning to Manage Yourself to Achieve Your Goals' for HKIEd faculty in October. Details below:
About the Seminar We live and work in an era where more and more is expected of us at work, and where we expect more and more out of lives. Yet, the time needed to meet these expectations remains the same. Stephen Covey, author of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, said "We can't manage time, we can only manage ourselves." This simple truth frames the seminar which will focus on how you manage daily tasks to achieve your professional and personal goals. You will use Covey's framework as a tool for identifying your own patterns of self-management that limit your long-term productivity and satisfaction. Then you will develop strategies for changing your approach to self-management and for building the personal capacities needed to achieve your most important goals. Participants who apply what they learn from this brief seminar will look back in one year and 10 years with surprise at how much more meaning and satisfaction they have gained from their work. Objectives of this seminar
Visit for Professors Christopher Day and Gu Qing, University of Nottingham Prof. Christopher Day and Dr Gu Qing visited the APCLC from October 6-11, 2013. During their visit, they provided HKIEd faculty professional consultation for the development of regional and international research projects and conducted knowledge transfer workshop on 'Teacher commitment and resilience: a necessary but insufficient condition for improvement?' to HKIEd faculty and students on Oct 10, 2013. About Prof Christopher DAY Christopher Day is Emeritus Professor of Education and leads the Teachers' Work and Lives and School Leadership Research group in the Centre for Research in Schools and Communities. His books have been published in several languages and include: Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from the Field (2013); The International Handbook of Teacher and School development (2012) ; New Understandings of Teachers' Work: Emotions and Educational Change (2011); The New Lives of Teachers (2009) Teachers Matter (2007) Open University Press; Successful Principalship: International Perspectives (2007); A Passion for Teaching (2004) London: Falmer; International Handbook of the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers (2004), Maidenhead, Open University Press. Effective Leadership for School Improvement (2003) (Co-authored) London: Routledge; Theory and Practice in Action Research (2002) (Co-edited) Oxford, Symposium Books; and Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning (Falmer Press, 1999). He is Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, North East Normal University, China and InHolland University, The Netherlands. In recognition of his work internationally in the field of continuing professional development for teachers, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Linkoping, Sweden, in 1993 and, in 2010, the Michael Huberman Award for excellence in research on teachers by the American Educational Research Association. In the same year he received a D.Litt from his own university. About Dr GU Qing Dr Qing Gu is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Research in Schools and Communities in the School of Education of the University of Nottingham. She is the incoming Vice Chair of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE), a member of the Editorial Board of the British Educational Research Journal and Journal of Educational Administration, a member of the Compare Editorial Board and Reviews Editor of the International Journal of Educational Development. She is also a Research Fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Dr GU is author of Teacher Development: Knowledge and Context (Continuum, 2007), and co-author of Teachers Matter (Open University Press, 2007), The New Lives of Teachers (Routledge, 2010), Successful School Leadership: Linking with Learning and Achievement (Open University Press, 2011), and an original paper on mixed methods research published in Educational Researcher in 2008. |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Seminar on October 10, 2013 Prof. Christopher Day, Professor Emeritus of University of Nottingham and Senior Research Fellow of Asia Pacific for Leadership and Change conducted a knowledge transfer seminar on 'Teacher Commitment and Resilience: Necessary conditions for effectiveness?' for HKIEd faculty in October. Details below:
About the Seminar This seminar is intended as a springboard for discussion about the part played by teacher educators in assisting their students in preparing for their work as full-time teachers. It will present evidence from research which focuses upon the role played by commitment in teaching well over a career and the importance of nurturing in pre-service as well as in-service teachers the capacity for 'everyday resilience', defined from a socio-cultural as well as psychological perspective. |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer / Academic Exchange Programme - Leaders' Learning from the Chinese Mainland
The APCLC, EPL, East China Normal University, Mihhang District Education Bureau Shanghai and Save the Children jointly organized "Leaders' Learning from the Chinese Mainland" on October 9, 2013. This programme offered an opportunity for a group of 30 leaders and educators from the ECNU, Save the Children and schools from Shanghai to visit and exchange with Hong Kong school educational leaders. It provided leaders from Shanghai and Hong Kong to gain insights into schooling of each other's education system and to explore the approaches of school improvement as well as to form links for partnership development of Hong Kong and Shanghai schools. |
APCLC – FEHD Knowledge Transfer / Academic Exchange Programme - Leaders' Learning from Canberra, Australia
The APCLC, the Faculty of Education and Human Development - HKIEd and the Faculty of Education, Science, Technology & Mathematics at University of Canberra jointly organized "Leaders' Learning from Canberra, Australia" on October 7, 2013. This programme offered an opportunity for a group of 20 academic faculty from University of Canberra, and school educational leaders from Canberra Australia to visit and exchange with Hong Kong school educational leaders. It provided leaders from Australia and Hong Kong to gain insights into schooling of each other's education systems and to explore the approaches of middle management of schools and teacher professional development as well as to form links for partnership development of Hong Kong and Australia school leaders and academics. |
September 2013 | |||
The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) honours Prof. Philip Hallinger for research paper IEA offers two annual awards to encourage and promote high quality secondary analysis. This year, Prof. Philip Hallinger, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, received the Dick Wolf Award, one of the 2013 IEA annual awards for an outstanding research paper, co-authored with Dr. Lee Moo Sung (former colleague at the Hong Kong Institute of Education). The paper entitled "National Contexts Influencing Principals' Time Use and Allocation: Economic Development, Societal Culture, and Educational System" was published in School Effectiveness and School Improvement in 2012. The study examines the impact of macro-level context factors on principal time use and allocation. Three specific macro-contexts are explored: national economic develop-ment, societal culture (focusing on the level of hierarchical power relations), and the level of standardization of the education system. The study employs a two-level hierarchical linear model to analyze data on 5,927 principals in 34 education systems participating in PIRLS 2006. The research identifies several distinctive patterns of macro-level context effects on the behavior of school principals. To know more the award paper, please visit our publication website or newsletter issued by IEA. |
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2013 The latest APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Bridging the research-policy-practice divide: Emergence of the 'research-engaged' school of the future" by Prof. Clive Dimmock was released in late September. This monograph argues that current imperatives to address the divide are compelling, for two reasons: first, the wasted resources involved in public and private investment in research that ends up on shelves, finds its way into academic journals and fails to penetrate schools to influence practice, is a cost that societies can no longer afford to bear. Second, practitioners and policy makers can no longer afford to ignore important research evidence at a time when schools have immense pressures on them to secure continuous improvements in student learning while at the same time address the growing inequality issues between students of different socio-economic and ability groups. Accordingly, this monograph has two main purposes and sections: the first explores and conceptualizes the phenomenon of the research-policy/practice divide, presenting it as problematic in holding back advances that promise improved outcomes from schooling. The second purpose and section applies the conceptual frameworks previously outlined, and capitalises on contemporary trends in education policy and practice to advocate a strategy for overcoming the problem, namely, one founded on promoting and enabling research-engaged schools. The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html . |
Keynote Speech at the 4th Malaysian Education Deans Council National Conference (MEDC 2013) Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC, was invited to give keynote speech at the 4th Malaysian Education Deans Council National Conference (MEDC 2013), organized by International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on September 23-25, 2013. This year, the conference theme is "Leading the education transformation plan". The keynote topic is "Accelerating Knowledge Production in East Asia: Implications for Strategic Research Development in Malaysian Universities." To know more about Prof. Hallinger's keynote, please visit the conference website . |
August 2013 | |||
Paper Presentation at the 15th Biennial Conference European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction JEA Managing Editor and APCLC reseach fellow Dr. Darren BRYANT, gave a paper presentation at the 15th Biennial Conference European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction on August 27-31, 2013, in Munich, Germany. The topic is "Developing a framework for analyzing the sustainability of innovations in higher education". To know more about the conference, please visit the conference website . |
July 2013 | |||
Blue Light Knowledge Transfer Programme 2013
From July 8-12, the APCLC sponsored a knowledge transfer programme entitled "Blue Light" for school leaders and professionals from schools in Hong Kong and South East Asia, including Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia as well as international education leaders from the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Asia Education Foundation (AEF), the Institute for Research on Educational Development (IRED) and The International Institute for Development of Educational Administrators (IIDEA). During the programme Prof. Allan Walker led discussions related to intercultural leadership and leading world class schools. Prof. Philip Hallinger provided a focus on themes related to instructional and strategic leadership. Participants were engaged in workshops related to leadership in a Thai context and the effective communication of school-based data to stakeholders, led by Dr. Kamontip Snidvong as well as developing teacher leaders by Dr Darren Bryant. With the help of leaders from the IB, the AEF, the IRED and the IIDEA, participants were engaged in conversations focused on comparing their contexts and leadership across cultures. ![]() |
APCLC, EPL & HKPI Knowledge Transfer Seminar: Leading above the Blue Line on July 2, 2013 Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dr. Robin Cheung, Principal Emeritus of Tsung Tsin College and Dr. Terry Quong, Principal of Ti-I College conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for school principals and educational leaders in HK on July 2, 2013. In the seminar Prof. Walker, Dr Cheung and Dr Quong engaged participants in two important issues: (i) Servant Leadership and (ii) Evidence-based practice for leading student achievement. Details of the Blue Line KT seminar below:
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June 2013 | |||
APCLC Director Prof Allan Walker becomes Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development, HKIEd Prof Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Director of APCLC was appointed as Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development, HKIEd with effect from July 1, 2013. Prof. Walker, on top of leading the APCLC, will be heading a professional, international team of over 270 academic and administrative staff in six academic departments, eight R&D centres, engaging in postgraduate education at doctoral, masters and postgraduate diploma levels as well as working with local and international partners in the development and implementation of programmes, curricula, teaching and research. |
APCLC Director Prof Allan Walker won the GRAND Knowledge Transfer (KT) Award 2012/13 of HKIEd
In the competitive HKIEd Knowledge Transfer (KT) Awards Scheme 2012/13, Prof. Allan Walker has received the Grand KT Award with his leader learning programme: Links: Leading Learning and Schools for recognizing he has designed, developed and disseminated the best KT activities/ practices/ cases/ projects at the Institute in 2012/13 in which the Links: Leading Learning and Schools has fruitfully linked the Institute's research and teaching activities more closely to KT; successfully developed intellectual capacity and capital that contribute to the development of the Institute and the wider community; and effectively served the needs of educational development locally and regionally. To know more about the Links: Leading Learning and Schools, please visit the programme website or the HKIEd Knowledge Transfer site . |
The International Conference of Future School Leaders in the ASEAN Community
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, The International Institute for Development of Educational Administrators (IIDEA) and Ministry of Education in Thailand co-organized an International Conference on "Future School Leaders in the ASEAN Community" on 25 June 2013. Details of the Conference below:
Invited Presentation at the International Conference of Impacts of Globalization on Quality of Education Prof. Allan Walker and Prof. Philip Hallinger, Directors of APCLC, were invited to give presentations at International Conference of Impacts of Globalization on Quality of Education organized by SEAMEO RETRAC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on June 20 - 21, 2013. To know more about the conference, please visit the conference website . |
Links: Leading Learning and Schools – Learning Expo A key element of Links is school-based inquiry based learning. Links leaders could either finish it independently or with their Alliance members. The Learning Expo on June 19, 2013 gave leaders an invaluable opportunity to present their findings. At the Learning Expo, leaders also shared their Personal Leadership Charter which reflected their commitment to their vision, values, capabilities and practices of a leader.
Paper Presentation at the Third Edition of The Future of Education Prof. Philip Hallinger gave a paper presentation at the Third Edition of The Future of Education in Florence, Italy on June 13 and 14. The presentation topic was "Simulation-Based Learning in Management Education: a Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Instructional Effectiveness",co-authoured with Dr. Lu Jiafang, Associate Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Mr Parinya Showanasai, a doctorate student at HKIEd. To know more about Prof. Hallinger's paper presentation, please visit the conference website . |
Workshop on Using Performance-based Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning Prof. Philip Hallinger was invited to give a knowledge transfer Workshop organized by Faculty of Education and Human Development on June 10. Details of the Workshop below:
May 2013 | |||
Visit for Principal of Hillbrook Anglican School in Brisbane, Australia Mr. Geoff Newton, Principal of Hillbrook Anglican School in Brisbane, Australia visited the APCLC from May 23-28, 2013. During his visit, he visited schools in HK that affiliated with the APCLC and discussed possible collaborative school improvement and student experiential learning projects. |
Links: Leading Learning and Schools on 'Leading authentically' Matinee 5 of Links was held on May 22, 2013 regarding 'Leading authentically'. Prof. Allan Walker and Dr. Terry Quong engaged leaders in an interactive session on authentic leadership. Details of the Matinee below:
Paper Presentation at the International Conference on Designs and Methods of Research on School Improvement
Prof. Philip Hallinger gave a paper presentation at the Conference on Designs and Methods of Research on School Improvement, organized by Deutche Institute for Pedagogical Studies in Frankfurt on May 17. The presentation topic is "An Overview of Design and Methodological Issues in Studying School Leadership and School Improvement". To know more about Prof. Hallinger's paper presentation, please visit the conference website. |
Visit for Faculty Dean of Education Science Technology and Mathematics, University of Canberra Geoff Riordan, Professor and Faculty Dean of Education Science Technology and Mathematics, at University of Canberra visited the APCLC from May 2-3, 2013. During his visit, he discussed possible collaboration on joint research projects and leader learning programmes between the two organizations. |
April 2013 | |||
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series 2013 The latest APCLC-HKPI Monograph "Principalship Leadership in China" by Prof. Allan Walker, Dr. Hu Rongkun and Dr. Qian Haiyan was released. This monograph reviews the literature on Chinese principalship written in English and Chinese between 1998 and 2008. The first sections discuss the rationale for the research, the review process, and the state of education research in mainland China. The review findings are presented as a set of core patterns and contributory subpatterns, which flow from either the empirical or non-empirical literature. Two core patterns are identified from the non-empirical pieces – prescriptions and commentaries. Prescriptions focus on telling principals what they need to do to be successful, especially in the present reform environment. Commentaries focus on the key concerns and problems confronting principals. Three core patterns can be discerned from the empirical pieces – imported frameworks, indigenous investigations, and contextual influences. The final section offers a number of conclusions that look within and across the core patterns and pose questions to guide further research. The Monograph can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html . |
Visit for Director of Institute of Schooling Development and Reform, East China Normal University Prof. YANG Xiaowei, Director of the Institute of Schooling Development and Reform, East China Normal University will visit the APCLC as Visiting Scholar of Tin Ka Ping Education Fund from April 22 – May 5, 2013. During his visit, he conducted seminars on China Educational Reforms, provided professional consultancy to HKIEd colleagues on research of Greater China and discuss possible collaboration on joint regional research projects and leader learning programmes between the two Centres. Prof. YANG Xiaowei is professor at the Department of Education, School of Education Science, East China Normal University at Shanghai, China. He is also the director of the Institute of Schooling Reform and Development, a national key research centre approved by the Ministry of Education . Prof Yang is also Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, HKIEd. Prof. Yang has worked in the areas such as education theories, curriculum and pedagogy, school change and reform implementation at the school district-levels. He has owned various titles in different professional and academic organizations in China. |
Annual Editorial Meeting of Journal of Educational Administration On 29 April 2013, the Journal of Educational Administration hoisted its annual editorial meeting in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting 2013 in San Francisco, USA. The meeting brought together members of the Journals' editorial advisory board and publisher to discuss the accomplishments of the journal over 2012. Members of the EAB are noted scholars in the field of educational leadership and management. . |
TDG team led by Prof Allan Walker Gives Presentation at The Learning & Teaching Mini Conference of HKIEd TDG team led by Prof. Allan Walker was invited to share the challenges and opportunities in online learning at the Learning & Teaching Mini Conference of HKIEd on 25 April. At the conference the team also introduced a Moodle-based course template that can be used in both online and blended learning. It helps to improve visual design, organization, and navigation of a Moodle course site. Several successful implementations were showcased. More than 250 HKIEd faculty and students attended the conference. To know more about Prof Walker's TDG project, please visit the project website . |
Visit for Professor Emeritus Clive Dimmock, Leicester University Prof. Clive Dimmock, Professor Emeritus of Leicester University and Visiting Fellow of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, HKIEd visited the APCLC from April 13-25, 2013. During his visit, he:
He has authored many books, articles and book chapters on the following: cross-cultural comparative educational leadership, school design for improvement, school leadership and its connectivity with teaching and learning, strategic leadership and new methods of researching the principalship. He was awarded Routledge Author of the Month in 2012, and his latest book "Leadership, Capacity Building and School Improvement" was published by Routledge in 2012. Clive has a particular interest in comparing education in Anglo-American and Chinese societies, such as Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore. His other main interests include learning-centred leadership and transforming school s as 21st century learning environments. He has undertaken projects and consultancies for governments in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brunei, and Cyprus, the USA and UK. |
Links: Leading Learning and Schools on 'Leading and Improved Outcomes' Matinee 4 of Links was held on April 24, 2013 regarding 'Leading and Improved Outcomes'. Our guest speaker Professor Emeritus Clive Dimmock engaged leaders in an interactive session on solving the mystery of how we learn leadership. Details of the Matinee below:
APCLC- HKPI Seminar on April 22, 2013
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Hong Kong Principals' Institute co-organized The Hong Kong Principals' Institute Seminar in Hong Kong on April 22, 2013. The Seminar included:
APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar:
Leading above the Blue Line – A Professional Leader Learning Programme for Serving Principals on April 18, 2013 Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Prof. Clive Dimmock, Professor Emeritus of Leicester University and Senior Research Fellow of Asia Pacific for Leadership and Change conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for school principals and educational leaders in HK on April 18, 2013. In the seminar Prof. Walker and Prof. Dimmock engaged participants in two currently hotly debated and interrelated issues: (i) What do school leaders consider to be the most important (essential?) and (ii) In what ways, and with what effectiveness, do leaders learn through on-the-job experience? Details of the Blue Line KT seminar below:
Date: 18 April 2013 (Wednesday) Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm Venue: Bauhinia Room, Regal Riverside Hotel (Shatin) |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Seminar on April 17, 2013 Prof. Clive Dimmock, Professor Emeritus of Leicester University and Senior Research Fellow of Asia Pacific for Leadership and Change conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for HKIEd faculty on April 17, 2013. More than 40 HKIEd colleagues and students joined the seminar on "Managing Your Academic Career: Planning, Preparing and Producing". In this seminar Prof. Dimmock engaged colleagues and students in clarifying their career aspirations, conceptualizing the stages of academic career, locating a personal trajectory on the career graph as well as planning, preparing and achieving career ambitions. |
Visit for Directors of ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) Dr Gene Carter, CEO of ASCD and Ms Judy Seltz, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Officer of ASCD visited the APCLC on April 8, 2013. During the visit, they discussed possible collaboration on joint research projects and leader learning programmes between the two organizations. |
March 2013 | |||
APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series We are pleased to introduce this new series of monographs as part of the ongoing collaboration between the Asia Pacific Centre of Leadership and Change (APCLC) and the newly established Hong Kong Principals' Institute (HKPI). Both organizations are focused on promoting deeper understanding of school leadership through innovative research and to improved leadership practice in schools. We believe that working partnerships between organizations such as ours provide fertile tracts within which ways to more successful leadership can be explored, tested, practiced and disseminated in ways that neither partner can achieve individually. The latest Monograph "Taking a Distributive Perspective to Diagnosis and Design-Leading and Managing Instruction, The Core Work of Schooling" by Prof James Spillane from Northwestern University has been recently released and it can be accessed at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/monographs.html . |
The Institute Honorary Fellowship
Ms Leona Lam Wai-ling, one of APCLC and EPL's key local leader learning and development partners, was conferred the award of Honorary Fellowship, The Hong Kong Institute of Education on March 22, 2013 in recognition of her immense contribution to principalship in Hong Kong. In 1973, Ms Leona Lam Wai-ling graduated from the Northcote College of Education, and soon started her career as a teacher at the Tai Po Market Public School. In 1986, she was promoted to Headmistress of the school, an achievement for a female at the time. Serving the education sector for over four decades, Ms Lam has devoted herself wholeheartedly to her profession, having nurtured generations of future talent. Last year, Ms Lam co-founded the Hong Kong Principals' Institute and is currently a Member of the Women's Commission, an advisor to the Institute's School Partnership and Field Experience Office, and a Member of the Child Fatality Review Panel. She was awarded a Badge of Honour in 1993 and appointed Justice of Peace in 2002. |
Asia Leadership Roundtable 2013
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education and Institute of Schooling Reform and Development at the East China Normal University co-organized the Asia Leadership Roundtable 2013 in Shanghai, China on March 10-12, 2013. This year's Roundtable theme "Leadership in Context" allowed 60+ regional and international education scholars, practitioners, training managers policymakers, and principals from 14 countries / territories in the region and beyond came together to explore how school leaders respond to the opportunities, constraints and conditions that characterized the organizational and cultural contexts in which they work. Prof. Ren Youqun, Vice President of East China Normal University was the guest of honour. Prof. Yang Xiaowei, Director of The Institute of Schooling Reform and Development at The East China Normal University and Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of APCLC delivered keynote speeches while Prof. Ellen Goldring from Vanderbilt University, Dr. David Ng from National Institute of Education and Mr. Chris Binge from Island School of English Schools Foundation delivered their provocateur presentations at the Roundtable. For details, please visit the Roundtable website . For news coverage, please visit New Straits Times . |
Links 2012/13 Matinee 3: Leading Strategically Matinee 3 of Links was held on March 6, 2013 regarding Leading Strategically. Our guest speaker Helen Revans from West Island School conducted a stimulus learning session on 'Fearless Conversations', and shared some on-hand leadership and communication skills. |
February 2013 | |||
January 2013 | |||
APCLC wins Leader Learning Grant from International Baccalaureate Organization (USA) Prof. Allan Walker was awarded a leader learning grant for developing and providing a cross-cultural leadership learning programme entitled 'Blue Light' for International Baccalaureate leaders. This programme brings together leaders from different points of Southeast and East Asia to look beneath and beyond the obvious to reveal how and why culture influences how leaders lead. Leaders are asked to look into influences on their own and others' leadership and how this frames what they do as leaders. The programme will use selected content and a number of different processes to uncover what school leadership means within and across cultures. As the hidden is revealed leaders can develop strategies for working productively with colleagues, staff and students from different cultures. For more information about the project, please visit the project website at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/bluelight/ . |
Paper Presentation at the Dubai International Conference in Higher Education: Succeeding in the Pursuit of Quality Prof. Philip Hallinger gave a paper presentation at the Dubai International Conference in Higher Education: Succeeding in the Pursuit of Quality, organized by Michigan State University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on January 28. The presentation topic was “Review of Research Publication on Educational Leadership and Management in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Three Regions ”. To know more about Prof. Hallinger’s paper presentation, please visit the conference website. |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Workshop on "Leading for Success" On 19 January 2013, Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, conducted a KT workshop on "Leading for Success" for teacher leaders and scholar practitioners from Hong Kong University Graduates Association College (HKUGA College) at the Novotel Citygate Hong Kong Hotel. At the workshop, Prof. Walker clarified what leadership means at HKUGA College, and for individual leaders. Prof. Walker also:
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Continuing Professional Development Programme- Strategies for Sustainable Research Performance Prof. Philip Hallinger was invited to give a Workshop on 17 Jan 2013, organized by Research and Development Office. Details below:
Time: 10:00 - 11:30am Venue: B4-LP-06 Objectives:
2. To share strategies that can assist in successful publication |
Links: Live-in-Learning – Leading Teams in International Schools The Links Live-in-Learning was conducted by Allan Walker and Terry Quong on Jan 11-12, 2013. During the two-day workshop, a constructive approach was used to encourage Links Leaders to develop their own model of leadership that informed their leadership practice, to form tighter links with their Alliance partners and other group members, and to facilitate them to kick start with their Agency Inquiry Projects. |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Workshop on "Leading Professional Learning Communities"
On January 8 and 10, 2013, faculty from the APCLC/ EPL conducted a 12-hour learning workshop for 20 middle leaders at St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School. The learning workshop was divided over four sessions. Three sessions, facilitated by Assistant Professor Darren Bryant focused on leading Professional Learning Communities. The sessions looked at how middle leaders can guide teams in analyzing student work, reviewing data and designing common assessments for the purpose of programme improvement. A fourth session led by Chair Professor Allan Walker provided guidance to the middle leaders in the use of appraisal to support teachers' professional development and the achievement of school goals. |
An Advanced Workshop on Using Moodle Template to Support Teaching and Learning On 3 January 2013, the APCLC and EPL jointly hosted a workshop for HKIEd teaching staff members who were interested in developing their Moodle-based course websites. Barbara Song led participants in developing on-line instructional delivery by customizing a Moodle-based e-learning template to adapt its visual design, navigation, and presentation of course materials. The template was an outcome of the TDG-funded project "Advancing Online Learning: Aligning Pedagogy, Course Design and ICT". Details below: Date: 3 Jan 2013 (Thu)To know more, please click on the attached flyer OR click here to visit the workshop website . |