Centre News Archive |
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December 2012 | ||
APCLC wins Research Grants from International Baccalaureate Organization (USA) Profs. Allan Walker and Philip Hallinger were awarded a competitive research grant from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The research grant is for exploring and documenting:
A hands-on workshop on using Moodle to support teaching and learning As part of the TDG funded project "Advancing Online Learning: Aligning Pedagogy, Course Design and ICT", the APCLC and EPL jointly organized a workshop on 17 December, 2012. Darren Bryant and Haiyan Qian shared experiences in teaching through distance learning and implications for blending online with face-to-face learning. Barbara Song introduced a user-friendly template that supports improved design, navigation, and pedagogy in Moodle-based online-courses. The 24 HKIEd academic, teaching and support staff members in attendance were given the opportunity to apply the template to their own course websites. To know more, please click on the attached flyer. |
Keynote Speech at the Asian Emerging Leaders’ Summit Prof. Allan Walker presented a keynote speech at Asian Emerging Leaders’ Summit in Hong Kong on December 8-9, 2012. The keynote address was 'Becoming the Leader I want to be'. To know more about Prof. Walker’s keynote and the Summit, please visit the Summit website . |
Visit for Director of The Griffith Institute for Educational Research Prof. Greer Johnson, Professor of Education and Director of The Griffith Institute for Educational Research at Griffith University visited the APCLC from Dec 5-7, 2012. During her visit, she discussed and possible collaboration on joint regional research projects and leader learning programmes between the two Centres. |
November 2012 | ||
Invited Paper Presentations at The 4th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies APCLC Directors Prof. Allan Walker and Prof. Philip Hallinger were invited to give paper presentations at the 4th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies with the theme 'Vietnam on the Road to Integration and Sustainable Development', organized by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) and Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) in Hanoi, Vietnam on November 26-28. The paper topics of Prof. Walker and Prof. Hallinger were "School leadership in Vietnam – Sustainable Learning Networks for Future Growth" and "Accelerating Knowledge Production on Educational Leadership and Management in East Asia: A Strategic Analysis" respectively. To know more about APCLC Directors’ paper presentations and the conference, please visit the conference website. |
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Seminar on Nov 23, 2012
Prof. James Spillane, the Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Professor in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern University conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for HKIEd faculty and students on November 23, 2012. More than 25 HKIEd colleagues and students joined the seminar on "Infrastructure and Practice: Policy, School Administrative Practice, and Classroom Teaching". In this seminar Prof. Spillane explored relations between policy and practice – school administrative practice and classroom teaching. He drew on several different empirical studies to illuminate research and development work at the intersection of policy, school administration, and teaching must systematically attend to both infrastructure and everyday practice inside schools. ![]() |
Continuing Professional Development Programme- Conducting a World Class Review of
the Literature
Prof. Philip Hallinger was invited to give a Workshop organized by Research and Development Office on November 22. More than 30 faculty members and students participated in this workshop. Objectives:
2. Explore alternative approaches to reviewing literature 3. Elaborate on key features of high quality literature reviews 4. Discuss the expected “outcomes” of a literature review 5. Provide an example of how a literature review can illuminate problems of research, theory, policy and practice |
Launching Ceremony Cum Conference of Hong Kong Principals’ Institute
The Launching Ceremony Cum Conference of Hong Kong Principals’ Institute was held at the Cityview on November 22, 2012. It was co-hosted by the Hong Kong Principals’ Institute and the Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. More than 250 leaders, scholar-practitioners and policymakers of Hong Kong education attended the ceremony cum conference. Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Director of APCLC and Head of Education Policy and Leadership Prof. Allan Walker from the HKIEd officiated the Conference. The conference includes:
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APCLC Senior Research Fellow Professor Brian CALDWELL will be conferred the Honorary Doctor of Education of HKIEd Prof. Brian Caldwell, Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Educational Transformations Pty Ltd in Melbourne, Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne and Senior Research Fellow of HKIEd, has been conferred the Honorary Doctor of Education of HKIEd at the 18th HKIEd Congregation on November 16, 2012. |
Professor Allan Walker Gives Prestigious Mitstifer Lecture
Professor Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Head of Department of Education Policy and Leadership, and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, was invited to present the Mitstifer Lecture at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), which was held in Denver Colorado from 15 to 18 November 2012. In his talk "The Leaders We Want? Clones, Drones, and Dragons", Professor Walker examined a number of critical issues around successful school leadership and leader development in the Asia Pacific region. More specifically, he challenged current and traditional notion of how policy-makers, systems and universities prepare successful school leaders for future schools. He asked the audience to look for new ways to work with practicing leaders to tap into their learning in schools by presenting a number of uncertainties which the field needs to address. About 500 academics, scholars and scholar-practitioners attended the lecture. UCEA is a national consortium of major universities in the US and Canada that have departments offering doctoral training in the field of educational administration. The annual Mitstifer Lecture is the most prestigious lecture in the field of educational administration. It honours the late Dr Robert Mitstifer and his wife, Dr Dorothy I. Mitstifer from Penn State College of Education. Previous speakers giving the Mitstifer Lecture included Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, James S. Coleman, Charles Lindblom, Dan Lortie, Karl Weick, Edmund Gordon, Seymour Martin Lipset, Susan Moore-Johnson, James Popham, Robert Sternberg, Barbara Bergmann, Marta Tienda, Paul Hill, Charles Haynes, James Banks, Derrick Bell, Lani Guinier, Richard Elmore, and Jane Hannaway. Professor Allan Walker is the first non-American scholar invited to present. To view the lecture, please visit: http://vimeo.com/54883240. To learn more about Professor Walker, please visit: http://www.ied.edu.hk/media/research_experts.php?id=50 and http://www.allandavidwalker.net . |
Links 2012/13 Matinee 1: Leading Others The first Matinee of Links 2012-2013 was held inquiring into the topic of ‘Leading Others’. Joseph Lau Chair Professor Allan Walker was in partnership with renowned international consultant Diane Wilcoxson to conduct the first Matinee leader learning session at HK Fringe Club on November 13, 2012. It gave the Links Leaders a sound understanding of the important elements of leadership – Leading Others. To know more about the Links, please visit www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/links. |
Links 2012/13 Forum 1: Leading Learning The Centre launched the third cohort of its international education leader learning programme for the English Schools Foundation. The innovative programme – Links 2012-13 runs approximately for a year. The first Forum on November 1, 2012 was conducted by Joseph Lau Chair Professor Allan Walker and Dr. Terry Quong. To know more about the Links, please visit www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/links. |
October 2012 | ||
Paper Presentation at the Fourth Asian Conference on Education 2012 Ms. Li Lijuan, Joanna, gave a paper presentation at the Fourth Asian Conference on Education 2012 in Osaka, Japan on October 28. The presentation topic is “Impact of Principal Leadership on Teachers' Professional Learning: What the Hong Kong Primary School Key Staff and Teachers Think." To know more about Ms. Li's paper presentation, please visit the conference website. |
Paper Presentation at the Conference on Improving Education through Accountability and Evaluation: Lessons from Around the World Prof. Philip Hallinger gave a paper presentation at the Conference on Improving Education through Accountability and Evaluation: Lessons from Around the World, organized by Center for International Policy Exchanges of the University of Maryland in Rome, Italy on October 3. The presentation topic is “Synthesis of Findings from 15 Years of Educational Reform in Thailand: Lessons on Leading Educational Change in East Asia”. To know more about Prof. Hallinger’s paper presentation, please visit the conference website. |
September 2012 | ||
APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer / Academic Exchange Programme - Shanghai Educators’ Learning in Hong Kong
The APCLC and EPL jointly organized “Shanghai Educators’ Learning in Hong Kong” with Teacher Training College of Yangpu District Shanghai on September 28 for a group of educators and principals from Shanghai, The Chinese Mainland. This programme offered an opportunity to Shanghai and Hong Kong educators to understand each others’ education system, innovative curriculum reforms and development, as well as to form links for partnership development of Hong Kong and Shanghai schools. ![]() |
Links 2012-13: The Directors' Cut Prof. Allan Walker, Joseph Lau Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, HKIEd in partnership with renowned international consultant Diane Wilcoxon conducted a coaching and mentoring workshop entitled “The Directors’ Cut’ of the “Links: Leading Learning and Schools 2012-2013” on September 19, our ongoing programme for leaders in international schools. To know more about the Links, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/links . |
Keynote Speech at the International Symposium on Leadership, Learning and Change Prof. Allan Walker was invited to give a keynote speech at the International Symposium On Leadership, Learning and Change, organized by Griffith Institute for Educational Research of Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia on September 13 and 14. The keynote topic is “School leadership for learning and change – Progress of an Asian agenda”. To know more about Prof. Walker’s keynote and the Symposium, please visit the conference website. |
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APCLC – EPL Knowledge Transfer Seminar
Dr. GU Qing, Associate Professor in the Centre for Research in Schools and Communities in the School of Education of the University of Nottingham and APCLC Research Fellow, conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for HKIEd faculty and students on September 4, 2012. More than 40 HKIEd colleagues and students joined the seminar on “Building Resilient Schools in Times of Change”. In the Learning Seminar, Dr. GU drew upon a range of national and international empirical research into successful leadership in which she has been involved which demonstrates, through the perspectives and experiences of teachers themselves, the positive and negative influences which leaders have upon their self-efficacy, sense of commitment and wellbeing and capacities for resilience. |
APCLC Research Fellow Dr. LU Jiafang becomes Associate Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change Dr. LU Jiafang, Assistant Professor of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change and Department of Education Policy and Leadership, was appointed as Associate Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change with retrospective effect from May 5, 2012. Her research interests include school management teams, simulation-based training, work-life role interaction; cooperation and competition in leadership, teamwork and conflict management, affect at work. |
August 2012 | ||
Knowledge Transfer Workshop: “International Leadership and Education Research - Qualitative Approach” in Vietnam Prof. Allan Walker and Prof. Philip Hallinger on August 25, 2012 conducted an “International Leadership and Education Research - Qualitative Approach” workshop for the academics / researchers / scholar practitioners from Vietnam National University, Hanoi National University of Education and Danang University in Hanoi, Vietnam and Institute for Research on Educational Development. The workshop brings together regional education scholars and practitioners to share their first hand leadership and international educational research knowledge, skills and experience, discuss research and development in the region and the wider community. |
JEA Managing Editor Dr. Darren BRYANT becomes Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership Dr. Darren BRYANT, Managing Editor of Journal of Educational Administration , was appointed as Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership with effect from August 13, 2012. His research interests include educational reform, leadership preparation, and middle leadership in local and international schools. |
July 2012 | ||
APCLC Directors and Faculty won research grants from Research Grants Council 's General Research and Early Career Schemes for 2012/13 as well as Joint Research Scheme for 2011/12 Prof. Allan Walker, Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change and Head of Education Policy and Leadership, received a grant of HK$395,272 from the Economic & Social Research Council (UK) and the Research Grants Council (HK). The research grant is for a comparative study entitled “Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement in Hong Kong and England: How Schools Mediate Government Reforms”. For more information about the study, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_19.html . Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, received a General Research Fund (GRF) grant of HK$746,977 from the Research Grants Council (HK). The research grant is for a qualitative study entitled “Developing and Refining an East Asian Conceptualization of Principal Instructional Leadership”. Dr. Ko Yue-on, James, Assistant Professor of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change and Department of Education Policy and Leadership, received an Early Career Scheme (ECS) grant of HK$479,000 from the Research Grants Council (HK). The research grant is for a study entitled “Examining Relationships between Teacher Effectiveness, Learning Processes and Goal Orientation in Hong Kong Classrooms”. For more information about the study, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_21.html . Dr. Lee Moosung, Assistant Professor of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change and Department of Education Policy and Leadership, received an ECS grant of HK$857,063 from the Research Grants Council (HK). The research grant is for a study entitled “Decoding the Role of Teachers' Professional Networks (TPNs) in Sustaining Educational Reform”. For more information about the study, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_23.html . Dr. Lu Jiafang, Assistant Professor of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and change and Department of Education Policy and Leadership, received an ECS grant of HK$594,451 from the Research Grants Council (HK). The research grant is for a study entitled “Understanding School Management Teams: Beyond Sharing Role Responsibilities”. For more information about the study, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_22.html . |
Blue Light Knowledge Transfer Programme was held in Bangkok From July 9 - 13, the APCLC sponsored a knowledge transfer programme entitled "Blue Light" for school leaders and professionals from schools in Hong Kong and South East Asia, including Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. During the programme Prof. Allan Walker led discussions related to intercultural leadership and leading world class schools. Prof. Philip Hallinger provided a focus on themes related to instructional and strategic leadership. Participants also engaged in workshops related to leadership in a Thai context and the effective communication of school-based data to stakeholders, led by Dr. Kamontip Snidvong. With the help of leaders from KIS International School, Bangkok, participants engaged in conversations focused on comparing their contexts and leadership across cultures. ![]() |
APCLC Senior Research Fellow Professor Cheng Yin Cheong becomes Acting President of HKIEd Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong, Vice-President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Leadership and Change of The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), has become the Institute’s Acting President upon the departure of Prof. Anthony B. L. Cheung on 1 July 2012 and pending the recruitment of a new President. For more information, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/web/features_cheng_acting_p.html . |
June 2012 | ||
Keynote Speeches at the International Conference on Responding to the 21st Century Demands for Educational Leadership and Management in Higher Education Prof. Allan Walker and Prof. Philip Hallinger were invited to give keynote speeches at the International Conference on Responding to the 21st Century Demands for Educational Leadership and Management in Higher Education, organized by The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Training Center (SEAMEO RETRAC) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on June 28 and 29. Respective Topics:
APCLC Research Fellow Dr. Dora HO becomes Associate Professor and Associate Head of Department of Early Childhood Education Dr. HO Choi-wa, Dora, Centre Research Fellow of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, was appointed as Associate Professor and Associate Head of Department of Early Childhood Education. Her research interests include education management, school leadership, curriculum and instruction, early childhood education. |
APCLC Knowledge Transfer Seminar Prof. Shi Kan, Professor of Graduate University of The Chinese Academy of Sciences, conducted a knowledge transfer seminar for colleagues and postgraduate students on June 20. Objectives:
Expert Discussants at the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)’s "Transformation and Change in IB Schools" Meeting in Den Hague Prof. Allan Walker and Prof. Philip Hallinger, Directors of APCLC, were invited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to attend a meeting in Den Hague, the Netherlands on June 18-19, 2012 to share their professional views on international education, the development of a framework for IBO’s future research and policy work on "Transformation and Change in IB Schools", monitoring and assessing change in IB schools, and for the future research agenda on studying change in IB schools. |
Links: Leading Learning and Schools – Learning Expo A key element of Links is school-based inquiry based learning. Links leaders could either finish it independently or with their Alliance members. The Learning Expo on June 13, 2012 gave leaders an invaluable opportunity to present their findings. An additional forty guests (board members from ESF, principals, teachers and pupils from the participated ESF schools, and principals from other international schools in Hong Kong) were invited to join the expo to show support and provide feedback to Links Leaders. ![]() |
Links: Leading Learning and Schools – Forum 2 In the final forum of Links 2011-12 leaders had an interactive session on June 13, 2012 where they consolidated what they have learnt through a review of the programme and various self-reflection activities. Leaders were also given opportunity to share their own values and beliefs of leadership at the “Power Platform”. Links leaders showed great appreciation of this finale event and the Links programme as a whole. |
May 2012 | ||
APCLC Directors won Research Grants from Economic & Social Research Council (UK) and / or Research Grants Council (HK) In the highly competitive fourth round exercise of Economic and Social Research Council of the UK (ESRC) and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC) Joint Research Scheme for 2011/12, HKIEd, Prof. Allan Walker and his UK counterparts at University of Nottingham was awarded out of 63 funding proposals submitted by eight Hong Kong universities for funding. Competition for the grants was fierce. Only nine out of the sixty-three proposals were approved for funding. The study by Prof. Walker and his UK counterparts entitled “Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement in Hong Kong and England: How Schools Mediate Government Reforms” is one of the successful studies which investigates whether government education reforms make a real difference in schools. Jointly funded by the ESRC and RGC, the prestigious Research Scheme aims to foster collaborations in social sciences research between scientists in the UK and Hong Kong. Being the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues, ESRC supports “independent, high quality research” which has an impact on business, the government and the society. For more information about the project, please visit the project website at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_19.html . Prof. Philip Hallinger, Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and change, received a General Research Fund (GRF) grant of HK$910,513 from the Research Grants Council (HK) earlier this year. The research grant is for a quantitative study entitled “Re-Validation of the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) and Meta-Analysis of Gender-Related PIMRS Studies”. For more information about the project, please visit the project website at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/research_20.html . |
Blue Line Knowledge Transfer Seminar on “Successful Leadership: Linking with Learning and Achievement” Prof. Allan Walker conducted a Blue Line Knowledge Transfer Seminar with Emeritus Prof. Christopher Day, from the School of Education at University of Nottingham, on May 22, 2012. Prof. Day shared his views and research findings on what successful principals do to build and sustain success. |
Links: Matinee 6: Tyrants, Truants, and Teddy Bears The sixth Matinee of Links was held on May 9, 2012 titled as “Tyrants, Truants, and Teddy Bears”. We invited Ms. Mina Dunstan (Quarry Bay School), Mr. Chris Durbin (ESF Centre), and Mr. Arnett Edwards (LPC United World College of HK) to further encourage Links colleagues to work through their approach to leadership through demonstrating 3 distinct ‘types’ of leaders. |
April 2012 | ||
![]() The 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Educational Administration On 14 April, Chair Professors Allan Walker and Philip Hallinger hosted a reception with Emerald Publishing Group celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Educational Administration. Over 100 JEA authors, reviewers, board members and affiliates of the APCLC attended the function. A highlight of the evening including the honoring of retiring Editor A. Ross Thomas’s 33 years of service as Journal editor. The success of the celebration, and its timing in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting in Vancouver, provided the APCLC and the Hong Kong Institute of Education with a great deal positive exposure among world-class academics. |
Links: Matinee 5: Leading for Improved Outcomes The fifth Matinee of Links was held on April 24, 2012 regarding ‘Leading for Improved Outcomes’. Professor Bruce Abernethy (Institute of Human Performance, The University of Hong Kong) shared his Lessons from Studying Expertise with Links Leaders. Throughout the session, Links Leaders took a comparable approach to education leadership as to sports performance. |
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2012 in Van couver Prof. Philip Hallinger presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) on April 13-17, Vancouver, Canada. Topics:
Faculty Seminar Prof. Philip Hallinger was invited to give a Faculty Seminar to 40 faculty members and students organized by Faculty of Education Studies on April 11. Objectives:
March 2012 | ||
The Institute Honorary Fellowship Prof. Allan Walker presented Sr. Cecilia Wong Yeuk-han, one of APCLC and EPL’s key local leader learning and development partners, for the award of an Honorary Fellowship on behalf of The Hong Kong Institute of Education on March 29, 2012 in recognition of her immense contribution to principalship in Hong Kong and her unwavering commitment to moral leadership. Sr Cecilia Wong who served as principal of several elementary schools for 30 years, has worked tirelessly on the front line of educational enterprise. In 2008 she was the first Asian winner of the prestigious Excellence In Educational Leadership Award bestowed by the US-based University Council for Educational Administration. She is presently the Episcopal Delegate for Education of The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, a post she has held since 2009. Sr Cecilia also serves as a Steering Member of the Education Bureau's Principal Professional Development Committee and Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications Committee, boosting the development and implementation of the Hong Kong-wide principal certification policy which has vastly increased the quality of preparation for principalship. |
“Make Change Happen” Prof. Philip Hallinger and Dr. Lu Jiafang on March 18, 2012 conducted a “Make Change Happen” workshop for the China Construction Bank in Singapore. “Making Change Happen” is an interactive computer simulation designed to teach key lessons on leading organizational change. The simulation comes in several versions including a focus on change in schools as well as in private sector organizations. The simulation has also been adapted extensively for use in Asian organizations based on research on change in Asian companies. This workshop is the first trial of the online business version “Make Change Happen” in a face-to-face training setting, and extends its potential to disseminate knowledge in the area of Strategic Human Resource Management for leading organizational innovation. For more information of APCLC’s “Making Change Happen”, please visit www.ied.edu.hk/apclc/tools.html . |
The Asia Leadership Roundtable 2012 was held in Ho Chi Minh City The Asia Leadership Roundtable 2012 was held in Ho Chi Minh City on March 11-13, 2012. It was co-hosted by the Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and Institute for Research on Educational Development (Vietnam). The meeting was attended by 56 scholars, policymakers and school principals from 13 countries. The theme of the Roundtable discussions concerned Educational Reform in the Asia Pacific. The programme included presentations from Mr. Gian Tu Trung, President of Institute for Research on Educational Development (Vietnam), Prof. James Spillane of Northwestern University, Illinois, USA; Mr. Ed Wickins, Principal of King George V School; Prof. Wendy Pan of the National Taiwan Normal University, Republic of China and Joseph Lau Chair Professor Philip Hallinger of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The Roundtable discussions sought to bring together regional and global education scholars and practitioners to discuss research and development trends on the theme of “Leadership and Learning in Asia Pacific: Challenges for Research and Practice.” Outcomes of the meeting include the following:
Links: Matinee 4: Leading and Planning The fourth Matinee of Links was held on March 7, 2012 regarding ‘Leading and Planning’. It included stimulus sharing from Leigh Jones (National Coach Development Manager, HK Rugby Football Union). It gave the Links Leaders real life, empirical leader experience with leading, planning and managing teams in organizations. |
February 2012 | ||
Missing Links II Knowledge Transfer Workshop: Teacher for Thinking Prof. Philip Hallinger and Dr. James Ko were invited to give a Missing Links II Knowledge Transfer Workshop on February 22, 2012 to 40 teachers of St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Topic: “Teaching for Thinking”. |
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Blue Line Knowledge Transfer Seminar on “Sustainable Living: Leading in a time of ecological crisis” Prof. Allan Walker conducted a Blue Line Knowledge Transfer Seminar with Prof. Paul Clarke on February 22, 2012 on the topic of “Sustainable Living: Leading in a time of ecological crisis”. Prof. Clarke is the Director of Sustainable Leadership, Cambridge Education / Mott MacDonald; Professor of Education (St Mary's University College, London) ![]() |
Links: Matinee 3: Developing Human Capacity The third Matinee of Links was held on February 15, 2012 regarding ‘Developing Human Capacity’. Allan Walker and Terry Quong shared their different approaches of leading learning and schools with special foci on ‘leader as boundary rider’ and collaborative leadership skills. |
January 2012 | ||
Links: Live-in-Learning – Leading Across Cultures The Links Live-in-Learning was conducted by Allan Walker and Terry Quong on Jan 13-14, 2012 to help the Links Leaders to develop a better understanding of leading across cultures and in intercultural schools, to form tighter links with their Alliance partners and other group members, and to facilitate them to kick start their Agency Inquiry Projects. |