Dr Lam Bick-har won the Best Paper Award at the Redesigning Pedagogy Conference held from 31 May to 2 June. Her paper, written with an external researcher Ms Winkie Li, takes findings from health psychology to help improve social support in education...
Dr Tsang Yiu-fai was recently invited to serve on the grant proposal review panel of the Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity programme organised by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States.
甘志珊博士獲醫療衞生研究基金撥款一百一十五萬港元,資助一項有關兒童讀寫障礙的研究──「聽力輔助設備對有讀寫障礙兒童的治療成效評估 – 隨機對照試驗」。在這個先導研究計劃,甘博士將會探討個人調頻教學輔助系統是否可以改善讀寫障礙兒童的認字及言語感知能力。
了解更多高級講師黃裕邦先生成為Lambda Literary Awards首名亞洲得獎者
黃裕邦先生憑詩集《天裂》,獲得第二十八屆美國Lambda Literary Awards (Lammys) 的男同志詩歌組別首獎。他不但是首位香港人獲此殊榮,更是亞洲第一人。