Resilience in Families Amid Economic Downturns: A Synthesized Model
‘Rhythm and Movement for Self-Regulation’ (RAMSR) in Hong Kong Kindergartens from Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Self-dehumanization and Other-dehumanization toward Students with Special Educational Needs: Examining their Prevalence, Consequences and Identifying Solutions
Shaping Students’ Lived Space of Mathematics Learning: How Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Values Affect Their Teaching
Spaces of Precarity: Migration, Spatiality and the Refugee Graphic Narrative
Staying Alone but Happy? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationship between Solitude and Well-Being
The Japanese Shakuhachi or Chinese Chiba? Investigating the Modern Shakuhachi in China
The Lyrical Tradition in Hong Kong from the 1970s through the 1990s
The Meaning of Cognitive Conflict across Cultures: Using Pupil Dilation to Identify Culturally-relevant Meaning Disruptions and Conflict Compensation.
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