
杰出学者讲座: 皮克提教授分享「贫富悬殊与全球化」

享誉全球的经济学大师汤玛斯.皮克提教授(Thomas Piketty)今日(10月5日)担任在香港教育大学(教大)举行的「杰出学者讲座」的主讲嘉宾,探讨在全球化下,贫富悬殊为世界带来日益严重的威胁。皮克提教授于2013年出版的著作《二十一世纪资本论》,曾高踞全球畅销书排行榜首位。


Distinguished Lecture on “Rising Inequality and Globalisation”

Poverty and Wealth disparity have become global issues, which present a growing threat to the world. Professor Thomas Piketty, a public intellectual and author of the best-selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), will offer thought-provoking views and novel ideas on the phenomena of rising inequality and globalisation, as well as their implications for wealth distribution.
