Low oxygen levels in water (hypoxia) pose a significant threat to marine and freshwater ecosystems worldwide, as highlighted in the latest research findings of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) in an article titled “Low oxygen levels affect reproductive function in female fish – across multiple generations”, featured in Science for Environment Policy (Issue 536).

为推动知识转移,香港教育大学(教大)今日 (1月3日)举办「教大获奖创新项目巡礼2019」,与社会各界分享研究成果。过去一年,教大的研究项目在多个国际发明展中共获得17项殊荣。

Dr Keith Ho Wing-kei, Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, was presented with the National Innovation Award in Aerosol Technology by the Chinese Society of Particuology at the 16th Cross-strait Workshop for the Aerosol Science and Technology in November 2019, in Loyang, China.
