Theme 1: In the Interest of the Academy: Perspectives on the Nature, Purpose and Working of the University
Theme 1A: Knowledge Designs
- What constitutes academic knowledge? What are its particularities, its virtues, its limitations?
- Paradigm shifts in knowledge making socially networked knowledge and the ‘wisdom of the crowd’.
- Research methodologies and analytical processes - is academic knowledge more reliable?
- Knowledge systems - peer review, publishing infrastructures, dissemination and access.
- Basic and applied research - changing distinctions.
- Research ethics and applications of research.
- Discipinarity and interdisciplinarity - trends to specialisation or interconnectivity.
- Changing disciplinary distinctions - the sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts, professions.
- Universality and knowledge transfer versus partiality and the localised specificity of knowledge.
- Objectivity and perspectivism in knowledge.
- Knowledge and culture - what kinds of knowledge are literature, art, and identity?
- Public domain or commercialisation - paths to society and market for academic knowledge.
- Intellectual property - forms of ownership and incentives to innovate.
- Theme 1B: Learning Designs
- Learning in the University - how does it work? What is distinctive? How is it changing? How should it change?
- Digital technologies in learning.
- Ubiquitous learning - anywhere and anytime, just enough and just in time.
- The role of the University in lifelong and lifewide learning.
- Access and equity in higher education - addressing local, national and global inequalities.
- Addressing learner diversity, and student and faculty mobility.
- Program alternatives - core curriculum or choice.
- Instructional design for higher education.
- Assessment and evaluation of learning.
- Theme 1C: Organisational Designs
- Academic governance - the peculiarities of managing the University.
- Academic freedom.
- Resourcing the University - financing higher education.
- Leadership and organizational development in higher education.
- Public and private education.
- Impacts of commercialisation and privatisation.
- Marketing and fundraising.
- Research management and training.
- Assessment of research quality.
- Program and curriculum design.
- Evaluation of teaching.
- Theme 1D: Designs on the World
- Collaborations cross-institutional, cross-sectoral and international research programs.
- International education - the University as a global player.
- Community service and outreach.
- The public intellectual in national and international communities.
- Informing the world - connecting with the media, traditional and new.
- Inter-University networks and alliances.
- Private-public partnerships.
- Relationships with governments, corporations and NGOs.
- Educational and research capacity-building.
- Global population movements and the shifting demography of campus.
- Knowledge movements - migration, diasporic networks and brain drain.
- Knowledge societies - securing the strategic centrality for universities in contemporary economic and social agendas.
- Practice orientations - universities in the making of the professions.
- The economics of higher education.
- The economics of research and innovation.
- Research, innovation and education as measures of social progress.
Theme 2: Academic Interests: Setting Intellectual and Practical Agendas
- Theme 2A: Sciences
- Disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity in the sciences.
- The changing work of scientists.
- Pedagogies for changing sciences.
- Scientific responsibilities - climate change, sustainability and health.
- Science and ethics - sensitive subjects and experimental methods.
- Basic and applied sciences - changing dynamics.
- Applied sciences and social meanings - computer interfaces, design methods and other humanising relationships.
- Theme 2B: Technologies
- Technology and human interests.
- The social web and the digital divide.
- Biomedical technologies and their impacts.
- Participatory design.
- Theme 2C: Cultures, Identities, Humanisms
- Global society - changing balances of economic and intellectual power.
- Faiths and rationalisms.
- Cultures, civilisations and globalisms.
- Independences and interdependencies of states, societies and cultures.
- Multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism and identity politics.
- Differences - class, locale, race, sex-sexuality-gender, (dis)abilities, culture, language and affinity.
- Cultural production and learning.
Theme 2D: Resources and Welfare
- Social capital.
- Economics and human welfare.
- Inequality and its remedies.
- Trade, fair and free; physical and intellectual properties.
- Development and uneven development.
- Social services and the professions.
- Theme 2E: Governance
- Self-managing institutions, from the local to the global.
- Changing patterns of sovereignty.
- Politics and social formation, from the local to the international.
- Human rights.
- Non-government organizations.
- Regulation and deregulation of knowledge regimes and professions.
- Intellectual property laws and knowledge systems