
How to get to HKIEd

  • From Airport to HKIEd

By Bus

You can take Airbus No. E41 (time: 0530-2400 hours) at the Airport Ground Transportation Centre to Tai Po Central Bus Terminus. The cost is about HK$13.6. On arrival in Tai Po, take bus no. 275 at the same bus terminus to HKIEd (about HK$4.5). The whole journey will take you about 1 hour and 20 minutes.


By Taxi

Take a green taxi at the Airport Terminus to HKIEd. This takes about 40-45 minutes and it costs about HK$300-350 (bridge/tunnel fees included). In addition, an extra HK$5 will be charged for each piece of luggage. Since some of the taxi drivers may not u nderstand English or Putonghua, you can show the name and address of the Institute to the taxi driver.

The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories
香港大埔露屏路 10 號

  • Map of HKIEd:

Download full version: http://www.ied.edu.hk/ciao/download/map_transportation.pdf