MS (ColoState)
BS (中國人民大學)
BA (中國人民大學)
Alex has a proven track record in conducting research in behavioral and experimental finance. He currently serves as an editorial board member for the International Journal of Bank Marketing (SSCI, IF = 6.3). His research has been published in top international journals such as Technology in Society, British Journal of Educational Technology, and Social Science & Medicine. His work benefits both financial customers, by improving their decision making, and financial service providers, by optimizing their marketing strategies.
Alex has received research grants from the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) funding scheme and the Chief Executive's Policy Unit PPR scheme in Hong Kong SAR China. His current projects focus on utilizing machine learning and deep learning to encourage positive behavioral changes among Hong Kong investors. Additionally, Alex is also the Co-Subject Coordinator for the BEd in Business, Accounting, and Financial Studies program.
Research interests
Personal Finance
Behavioral Finance
Experimental Finance
Financial Technology
Teaching Interests
Personal Financial Planning
Financial Risk Management for Investment (Financial Derivatives)
Hong Kong and Global Economy
Quantitative Research Methods