Small steps can spur major changes to make HK an environmentally friendly world city

After graduating from the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies (GES) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), I worked for the first shared-bike company in Hong Kong as a way of contributing to the green community.
Being an operations associate there was like playing Pokemon Go. You have a map showing bikes with problems and have to ride there and fix them with your toolkit. Finding permitted parking places for the bikes was another of our daily tasks. Sometimes, operations is about on-the-ground customer service and handling enquiries from members of the public.
This may sound tiring, especially when you’re working outdoors under the hot sun or when it’s raining, but the job enabled me to explore some of the secret places of Hong Kong by riding to different parts of the city and it taught me bike-fixing skills. Both these things were a source of great satisfaction for someone who has a passion for sports and likes to understand what’s happening in the local community.