Dr. Sabrina Su has an interdisciplinary background, with professional training in social work, sociology, organizational psychology, and career guidance and counseling. Her research studies reflect this diverse expertise, covering a range of topics related to youth work, career support services, organizational behaviors, workplace wellbeing, and capacity building among frontline workers.
Across these areas, Dr. Su has developed innovative concepts, such as collective psychological ownership (CPO), experience-driven recognition (EDR), and more enabling others (MEO). These concepts aim to promote both individual and shared agency, with the goal of enhancing the sustainable career and life development of diverse groups of people in various contexts.
Additionally, Dr. Su has developed the experience-driven capability approach to support the career and life development of youth facing vulnerabilities. This framework comprises four domains: recognition, exposures, self-growth, and transferability (REST). At the core of this approach is Dr. Su's belief that expanding the sources of recognition can be a creative pathway to co-create an enabling and inclusive environment, particularly for young people and young professionals, to support them in daring to aspire and achieve their goals.