Hong Kong Geography Day 2018
08:30am - 05:30pm
Hong Kong Geography Day is the most important event of the geography education in Hong Kong. It is held every other year to foster academic exchange and collaboration amongst geography teachers and students, and to promote geography education in secondary schools. The main theme of this year would be “Geography and Wellbeing”. The event will be jointly organized by Department of Social Sciences, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Hong Kong Geographical Association on Saturday, 24 November 2018 from 8:30am to 5:30pm at EdUHK. The programme features:
- Keynote speeches by Mr. Jimmy Leung, Former Director of Planning, The Government of HKSAR and Prof. C.Y. Jim, Research Chair Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, Department of Social Sciences, EdUHK;
- Introduction of university geography programmes and facilities;
- Secondary School Talks by Prof. C.C. Lam, Adjunct Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong to highlight the Field-based Question for HKDSE Geography Examination;
- Guided Tours for Secondary School Teachers and Students to the New Virtual Reality Lab and Geography Lab;
- Coastal field study in Wu Kai Sha for Secondary School Teachers;
- Board exhibitions by geography departments of universities, relevant government departments, NGOs, and other organizations;
- University research students poster competition; and University Research Seminars.