Dr Izzy Yi JIAN is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong, and the Vice President & Director of Happy Ageing Lab Foundation.
Dr JIAN came from Architecture background and earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Building and Real Estate, and Research Institute of Sustainable Urban Development(RISUD), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before joining EdUHK, she worked as PTVL in School of Design, HK PolyU, Postdoctoral Fellow and Project Manager at Happy Ageing Lab, School of Architecture, CUHK, Postdoctoral Fellow at Public Design Lab, School of Design, HKPolyU, and Ernst Mach Global Research Fellow at the Department of Geography and Regional Research, the University of Vienna. Her research and teaching interests include spatial justice, privatisation of public open space, inclusive/ age-friendly design, community engagement and geomedia.