講師 II
Dr Benjamin Li was trained as both sociologist and education researcher in his PhD study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His doctoral study was about the organizational prerequisite of innovations in Hong Kong secondary schools regarding STEM education and value education. In conducting school fieldwork and in-depth interviews with many innovative school administrators and teachers, he was deeply impressed by their professionalism and creativity. It was why he decided to move on to a career related to school innovations upon graduation. Benjamin first worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Hong Kong Center for the Development of Educational Leadership, primarily overseeing knowledge transfer projects between universities and schools on training for principals and senior school managers. He then joined EdUHK as a guest lecturer in September 2021 and was appointed a full-time lecturer in December 2022.
Teaching Interest
School Innovation
Social Studies in the General Studies
Social Research Method
Civic education, value education and positive education
Research Interest
Neoinstitutional analysis on school organization
School and pedagogical innovation
Journal Articles
Lee, T., Kwan, P., & Li B.Y.M, (2019). “Neoliberal challenges in context: a case of Hong Kong”, International Journal of Educational Management, 34(4), pp. 641-52.
Kwan, P, &, Li, B.Y.M. (2016), "Striving for a way out from a rock and a hard place: Vice-principals’ development in Hong Kong ", International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 5(3), pp.239 – 252
Kwan, P., & Li, B. Y. M. (2015). Empowerment or impediment? School governance in the school-based management era in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(3), 319-330.
Book Chapters
Kwan, P, Benjamin Li YM, and Trevor Lee. (2020). “Neoliberal Challenges in Public Schools in Hong Kong: An East Asian Model?.” in Neoliberalism and Education Systems in Conflict: Exploring Challenges Across the Globe. eds. Khalid Arar and Deniz, , New York: Routledge, pp. 29-41.
Cheung, YK, Benjamin Li YM, and Ho CW. (2019) "Foreseeing the new educational dream just before the post-industrial reality: equality, mobility, and the expansion of upper secondary schools in Hong Kong in the 1980s" in High School for all in East Asia: Comparing Experiences. eds. by Shinichi Aizawa, Mei Kagawa and Jeremy Rappleye, New York: Routledge, pp. 155-178.
Professional Services
2021-2022 | Academic Adviser of “Optimisation of the school-based management service of Incorporated Management Committees from the Hong Kong Buddhist Association” (佛聯會優化法團校董會校本管理服務) |
2020-2021 | Programme Co-director of Leadership Development Programme for Middle Leaders of Primary Schools in the 2020/21 School Year (小學中層人員領導培訓課程) , commissioned by the Educational Bureau |
2020-2021 | Programme Co-director of Professional Development Course for Secondary School Graduate Teachers (2020/21) (中學學位教師專業培訓課程) , commissioned by the Educational Bureau |
2020-2021 | Programme Co-director of Educational Administration and Management Course for Senior School Administrators in Secondary Schools (2020/21) (中學高級行政人員教育行政及管理課程) , commissioned by the Educational Bureau |
2020-2021 | Speaker of “Seminars on Teacher Professional Ethics, the Constitution and the Basic Law and the Implementation of Basic Law Education” (3 hours) for Educational Administration and Management Course for Senior School Administrators in Secondary Schools (2020/21) (中學高級行政人員教育行政及管理課程), commissioned by the Educational Bureau (with Dr Lee Hoey and Mr. Lee Hoi Yin) |
2020-2021 | Lecturer of “Introduction to Action Learning” (3 hours) for Professional Development Course for Secondary School Graduate Teachers (2020/21) (中學學位教師專業培訓課程), commissioned by the Educational Bureau (with Professor Paula Kwan) |
2019-2020 | Lecturer of “Introduction to Action Learning” (3 hours) for Professional Development Course for Secondary School Graduate Teachers (2019/20) (中學學位教師專業培訓課程), commissioned by the Educational Bureau (with Professor Paula Kwan) |
2019-2020 | Lecturer of “International Trend of Education and the Future of Schooling” (3 hours) for Professional Development Course for Secondary School Graduate Teachers (2019/20) (中學學位教師專業培訓課程), commissioned by the Educational Bureau |