Chapter 6 Student Finance

1. Tuition Fees and Other Fees

1. Tuition Fees
UGC-funded Programmes
Self-financed Programmes
2. Caution Money
All students (with the exception of students of professional development programmes) are required to pay, upon enrolment, HK$350 as caution money as a deposit to make good any outstanding debts to the University incurred in, for example, damage to the University property. Should there be no outstanding fees/fines/charges at the end of your study, the caution money will be used to cover graduation fee (including the cost of an award certificate).
If you fail to settle any outstanding University fees, a collective term which refers to fees charged by the University covering tuition fees, caution money, hall fees, etc., you will not be allowed to attend the graduation ceremony nor receive any academic documents (including award of certificates) until the sum is cleared.
Caution money is non-refundable except to those students who withdraw from the programmes during the course of study and have completed the withdrawal procedures or those who are required to discontinue studies by the University. The remaining balance after deducting any fees/fines/charges that the student owes to the University will be refunded to the student within three months after withdrawal or discontinuation of studies.
3. Hall Fees
Hall fees are subject to review on a regular basis. Please refer to the website of the Student Affairs Office for the lodging charge of different bed places in 2024/25 (  
The lodging charge for non-UGC-funded students is at 1.5 times of the rate for UGC-funded students.
All student residents have to pay HK$220 for hall life education fee. Students residing in Northcote Hall, Grantham Hall or Robert Black Hall have to pay their own bedroom's air-conditioning and laundry charges while students residing in the Jockey Club Student Quarters have to share the flat's utility charges. Hall fee once paid is not refundable nor transferable.
4. Other Fees
Items Fee (HK$)
Student card replacement HK$100
Academic documents#  
- Transcript of Studies HK$50 per copy
- Testimonial / Statement of Results*  
- Certified true copy  
- Programme Handbook  
- Course Outline^  
Experiential Learning and Achievements Transcript (ELAT) (formerly known as Awards and Co-curricular Activities Transcript)# HK$50 per copy
Replacement of Certificate
(only applicable to graduates of higher/postgraduate diploma or undergraduate or professional doctorate/taught/research postgraduate programmes only (except joint degree programme such as BACEE and Professional Development Programmes))
Application for change of Programme /Major/ Second Teaching Subject/ Concentration of Studies/Teaching Subject Study (TSS)/ Specialisation/Area of Study or Mode of Study HK$50 per application
Application for Course Exemption/Credit Transfer HK$50 per course (for UGC-funded programmes)
  HK$400 per application (for self-financed programmes)
Continuation fee  
(for students who have been approved for deferment of studies, students with status of pending for graduation and suspension of studies) HK$300 per semester (for UGC-funded programmes)
  HK$1,500 per semester (for self-financed programmes)
Administration fee to reactivate student status for the students who have been unofficially withdrawn and have subsequently settled their overdue fees. HK$300
Graduation Fee HK$350
(normally, converted from Caution Money)
Graduation Gown Rental Fee: Academic dress rental services are supplied by the University’s designated service supplier. Please refer to the website here for details. 
Visa application and administration fee for Non-Local students HK$530
Extension Fee:  
- Students who have to extend their study beyond the stipulated normal study period of the following Research Postgraduate Programmes:  
1. UGC-funded Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy
2. Self-financed Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy
HK$16,800 per year (Billed in two instalments)
HK$33,600 per year (Billed in two instalments)
- Students of self-financed Postgraduate Programmes who have to extend their study beyond the stipulated normal study period Please refer to individual programme handbook/information for details.
# Standard postage included, additional charge is required for registered mail.
* The first copy is free of charge to final-year students. Afterwards, each additional copy will be charged.
^ To be charged on course-basis. 

Fees once paid are not refundable nor transferable.
Application forms for academic documents are available at the Student Records Service Desk of Information Centre or from the Registry’s homepage.
You may also make an application online. For current students, please visit The Portal at and for graduates, please see the Registry's homepage at

2. Payment of Fees/Fines/Charges and Tuition Fees Receipts

You are required to view the Consolidated e-Billing in The Portal which includes all fees/charges such as tuition fees, immersion fees, hall fees, caution money, etc. in one billing. No hard copies of billing will be sent to you. You can settle the bills by making deposit at any branches of The Bank of East Asia Limited, Payment-By-Phone Services (PPS), Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), QR code Payment (including WeChat Pay, Alipay and Faster Payment System (FPS)), and internet banking services under JETCO or HSBC/Hang Seng Bank or ICBC(China) (Cross-border Bill Payment) for Mainland students. You may view the Consolidated e-Billing and payment methods by going through the following path:
Login The Portal ---> e-SIS ---> Select "e-SIS" ---> Student Services ---> Student Account ---> Account Summary
The schedule of payments for 2024/25 is as follows:
1. Tuition Fees for New Students
Programmes Due Dates
On Registration 17 Oct 2024 13 Feb 2025
% of Payment of Fees Due
Full-time PGDE 25% 25% 50%
Full-time /
Part-time Undergraduate programmes
Full-time HD(ECE)
HK$5,000 50% - HK$5,000 50%
Part-time PGDE
Full-time PhD/ MPhil
50% - 50%
Professional Development Not Applicable - -
  • The above payment schedule is not applicable to self-financed programmes/ non-local students.
  • Consolidated e-Billing will be available in The Portal for the first semester in September and the second semester in the following January.


2. Tuition Fees for Returning Students

Programmes Due Dates
17 Oct 2024 13 Feb 2025
% of Payment of Fees Due
Full-time PGDE 50% 50%
Full-time /
Part-time Undergraduate programmes
Full-time HD(ECE)
50% 50%
Part-time PGDE
Full-time PhD/ MPhil
50% 50%
  • The above payment schedule is not applicable to self-financed programmes/ non-local students.
  • Consolidated e-Billing will be available in The Portal for the first semester in September and the second semester in the following January.



3. Settlement of University Fees/Charges
Students must settle the tuition fees and/or other fees/charges in the Consolidated e-Billing by the due dates. If, for any reasons, you are unable to pay the fees by the due dates, you may contact the Finance Office ("FO") before the due dates for assistance. Failure to pay the required fees by the due dates without prior approval from the University will result in serious consequences including withholding the issue of academic documents, de-activation of student cards and suspension of access to the University's Library/other facilities/accommodation in the student hall. You will be treated as 'UNOFFICIALLY WITHDRAWN' from the programme and your student status will be suspended with immediate effect. You will not be allowed to participate in any class activities, including Field Experience, Immersion, co-curricular activities, internship wherever applicable. Should you wish to continue your studies in the programme, you are required to pay an administration fee of HK$300 for re-activating your student status in addition to the full settlement of overdue fees. Re-instatement of the student status will not be considered for unofficially withdrawn students with prolonged overdue fees. You will be required to re-apply for admission by adopting normal procedures. You will also be required to settle the outstanding amount in your student account or penalty of loan item such as academic dress when you seek admission/re-admission or make application for academic documents to the University in future. Otherwise, applications will not be processed.
Full-time students in Undergraduate and Sub-degree Programmes/ University Grants Committee-funded Programmes are not required to apply for payment deferment if they have applied to the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) on or before 17 October 2024 in Semester 1 and 13 February 2025 in Semester 2 for grant and loan, and/ or non-means tested loan under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS), Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP), Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT), and/or Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS). The FO will receive from the Student Affairs Office (SAO) a list of these students and when following up with the outstanding payments after due dates of the University fees, the FO will take into consideration of these students' financial assistance application results and the expected dates of receiving the financial assistance from the WFSFAA to extend or to make no change to the due dates accordingly. The extended due dates will then be updated accordingly in The Portal students' accounts, and students are responsible for checking their account balances and the extended due dates in The Portal from time to time after the due dates of University fees. Any students, who have applied for any financial assistance of WFSFAA after 17 October 2024 in Semester 1 and 13 February 2025 in Semester 2 and would like to apply for the payment deferment of the University fees, must send their applications through email ( to FO with justification for consideration.
Please note that there is no payment deferment for all part-time students. All students are advised to make financial planning with reference to the due dates of payment indicated above. FO will handle special requests from students on a case-by-case basis. Only cases in which students are facing sudden and genuine financial hardship will be considered.

4. Tuition Fees Receipts
Online Tuition Fees Receipt is available in The Portal. Students who have settled all outstanding balance for the selected academic year can download and print the receipts by going through the following path:
Login The Portal ---> e-SIS ---> Select "e-SIS" ---> Student Services ---> Student Account ---> Account Summary ---> Tuition Fees Receipt

3. Tuition Fees Arrangements under Special Circumstances

1. Deferment of Studies
If your application for deferment of studies is submitted before the start of a semester or before the completion of the first half of a semester according to the academic calendar of the programme (completed week will be used for calculation), any tuition fees paid for the deferred semester(s) will be carried forward until you resume your studies. You are required to pay a continuation fee within two weeks upon approval. For details, please refer to the "Operational Guidelines Supporting General Academic Regulations" in the Student Handbook.
If your application for deferment of studies is received after the first half of a semester, the tuition fees paid for the deferred semester will not be refunded nor carried forward to the resumed semester. Tuition fees not paid for the deferred semester have to be paid upon resumption of studies.
2. Add/Drop of courses
You should complete add/drop of courses within the period set by the programmes. If your tuition is charged according to the number of credits taken in the semester, you are required to pay the full tuition for any courses dropped after the add/drop period of the programmes.
3. Withdrawal of Studies
You are required to pay the full tuition fees for the whole semester regardless of your date of withdrawal in the semester.
4. Extension Beyond Normal Period of Study
If you have to extend your normal period of study to take outstanding course(s) to complete the programme, you will have to pay additional fees on a pro-rata basis according to the number of courses/credit points (including Field Experience) taken in the extended period of study.
Students of Research Postgraduate Programmes, who need to extend their study beyond the normal study period, and students of self-financed Postgraduate Programmes who need to extend the study beyond the normal study period as specified by the respective programme, are required to pay an Extension Fee. For details of the Extension Fee, please refer to Section 1.4 "Other Fees" of this Chapter and individual Programme Handbook/information.
5. Fast Track Study
If you have completed all the graduation requirements of a programme faster than the normal period of study, you are still required to pay the full tuition fees of the programme. No reduction of tuition fees nor refund of fees will be arranged despite the shortened period of study time.
6. Credit Transfer
Upon approval of credit transfer, students still have to pay full tuition fee irrespective of the number of credit point(s) being transferred. However, tuition fee would not be charged for course(s) granted credit transfer if the fee is charged according to the number of credits taken.
7. Student Contribution to Student Activities outside Hong Kong
In addition to the tuition fees paid, students have to make contribution for participating in student activities outside Hong Kong including various immersion programmes, regional summer institute, student exchange programmes, and study visits. Some of these activities are compulsory (which can be credit-bearing or non credit-bearing) and students have to participate in order to fulfil the graduation requirements. The following are examples of compulsory student activities outside Hong Kong :
  • Postgraduate English Language Immersion Programme
  • Postgraduate Putonghua Language Immersion Programme
  • BEd (EL) English Language Immersion Programme
  • BEd (CL) Putonghua Language Immersion Programme
  • BA(Lang Studies) & BEd(EL) Immersion Programme
  • Study Visit for BEd (Geog)
  • Regional Summer Institute for BSocSc(GES)
  • Regional Summer Institute for BA(CAC)


Some of the activities are optional or non-credit-bearing. They include:

  • Study visits
  • Student exchange programmes

The percentage of student contribution to the total cost of student activities outside Hong Kong is shown in the following table:
  Students' Contribution Percentage to
Total Cost of student activities outside Hong Kong
Pre-service Students In-service Students
Compulsory student activities outside Hong Kong Not less than 18% of the best estimated unit cost of the activities* Not less than 30% of the best estimated unit cost of the activities*
Optional or Non-credit-bearing student activities outside Hong Kong 
(e.g., optional language immersion programmes, study visits, etc)
Not less than 50% of the best estimated unit cost of the activities* Not less than 75% of the best estimated unit cost of the activities*

* These Student Contribution Percentages to Total Cost of student activities outside Hong Kong only apply to Full-time students studying UGC-funded undergraduate programmes. Students studying in non UGC-funded programmes will have to pay full cost of student activities outside Hong Kong.
All activity fees must be settled prior to the commencement of the respective activity. Based on past experience, pre-service students who are successful applicants of the Government’s Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) may be provided with additional grant by the WFSFAA after completion of the compulsory and credit-bearing student activities outside Hong Kong. The amount of additional grant is based on the result of vetting of students' TSFS application, and in terms of reimbursement to students' prior expenses incurred. Separate application to WFSFAA for the additional grant is not required. (Training/Internship/Placement/Exchange Programme will not be considered.)
Student are required to pay tuition fees and any other fees in the semester which he/she undertakes self-arranged immersion/ exchange outside Hong Kong as this process is initiated by the student. (self-arranged meaning self-initiated, not arranged by the University)
8. Change of Local/Non-local Student Status
Students who have changed their local/non-local student status or visa type (such as from holding a student visa to an employment visa, or vice versa) during their period of study at the University should report to Registry for updating this change in the University's records with original copy of supporting documents. If the reported change is recorded in the University’s records after the issue of Consolidated eBilling Notice, any adjustment in fee assessment arising from change in local/non-local student status will only be effected in the following semester/term. For enquiries, please approach Registry (on change of personal particulars) or Finance Office (on fees).

4. Financial Assistance

1. Government Grant and Loan
The Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) of the Government provides means-tested financial assistance to full-time needy students through the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)Note 1 or Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)Note 1 in the form of a grant and/or loan. The grant is to cover tuition fees and academic expenses. The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at 1.0% per annum chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period which begins upon a student's graduation or leaving the University. The loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of study. Please visit WFSFAA 's website for details of the Government Grant and Loan at: (For full-time self-funded undergraduate programmes)
2. Hostel Subsidy
Undergraduates who have passed the means test of TSFS or FASP (i.e. with grant offered) and are confirmed to have resided in student hostels provided by their institutions for at least 75% of the time during the semesters are eligible for the hostel subsidy. The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy. The amount of subsidy will be equal to the hostel fee payable or HK$10,420 per year/ HK$5,210 per semester, whichever is lower. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the mean test. The amount will be credited to the designated bank accounts of the eligible students by autopay. Please visit WFSFAA's website for details of the Hostel Subsidy at: (For full-time UGC-funded programmes) (For full-time self-funded undergraduate programmes) 
3. Academic Expenses Grant for Students with Special Educational Needs and Financial Needs Pursuing Post-secondary Programmes
Undergraduates who have passed the means test of TSFS or FASP (i.e. with grant offered) will be offered additional academic expenses grant of up to HK$9,850 in 2024/25 academic year. The actual amount of subsidy receivable is to be determined with respect to the student’s level of assistance assessed in the means test of the WFSFAA. Please visit WFSFAA's website for details at: (For full-time UGC-funded programmes) (For full-time self-funded undergraduate programmes)
4. Travel Subsidy
Students up to the first degree level who are successful applicants of the TSFS or FASP and reside more than 10 minutes’ walking distance from your normal place of study and need to travel to campus by public transport may be eligible for a travel subsidy.  Please visit WFSFAA’s website for details:
5. Non-means Tested Loan Schemes
The WFSFAA also provides Non-means-tested Loan Schemes (NLS)Note 1 for eligible full-time and part-time students. NLS loans are solely used to settle tuition fees. The NLS operates on a full-cost recovery basis. Loan borrowers have to pay interest for their loans. Interest rate is charged at the Government’s no-gain-no-loss rate which will be reviewed by the end of each month and if adjustment is to be made, the adjusted rate will take effect from the first day of the following month. Interest is accrued at the prevailing NLSFT/NLSPS/ENLS interest rate upon loan drawdown and throughout the study period until the loan is repaid in full. Current NLSFT/NLSPS/ENLS interest rate is 2.42% per annum. The NLS loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of study. An annual administrative fee is chargeable for each application and thereafter until the NLS loan is fully repaid. The interest rate and administrative fee will be reviewed regularly. Students may apply for deferment of loan repayment if they have difficulties in repaying the loans due to further studies on full-time courses, financial hardship or serious illness.
Please visit WFSFAA ‘s website for details of the Non-means Tested Loan Schemes at: (For full-time UGC-funded programmes) (For full-time self-funded undergraduate programmes) (Others programmes)
Note 1: Students applying for the TSFS/FASP/NLS should have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had their homes in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of the programme. This does not cover students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas. Detailed information of the above schemes is available at
6. Exchange Subsidy
The Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) and the Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to “Belt and Road” Regions for Post-secondary Students (Means-tested SSEBR) are offered by Education Bureau (EDB) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to support financially needy students to participate in outbound exchange activities.
In addition, EDB  offers two non-means-tested subsidy schemes for exchange activities, namely, Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES) and Scheme for Non-means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to “Belt and Road” Regions for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested SSEBR) to encourage more post-secondary students in Hong Kong to pursue exchange activities in the Mainland and other B&R regions.
SSE and Means-tested SSEBR, each capped at HK$60,000, will be provided for financially needy local students (both publicly-funded and self-financing) of full-time locally-accredited sub-degree and undergraduate (including top-up) programmes. The subsidy amount is calculated by applying the approved level of means test (in terms of percentage of full grant) to the maximum level of subsidy for the Subsidy Scheme based on the latest available result from WFSFAA.
Non-means-tested subsidy up to $14,400 will be provided for local and non-local students enrolled in full-time locally accredited sub-degree and undergraduate (including top-up) programmes under Non-means-tested MES; and non-means-tested subsidy up to $18,000 will be provided for local students enrolled in full-time locally accredited undergraduate (including top-up) programmes under Non-means-tested SSEBR. The maximum amount of subsidy will make reference to the destination and duration components.
Detailed information of the subsidy schemes is available at
7. Other Financial Assistance
The University also offers the following assistance to students who have financial difficulties:
1 Emergency Fund or Emergency Loan – for students facing unexpected or exceptional financial hardship or covering expenses relating to consultation and treatment with a private psychiatrist (available throughout the year).
2 Special Support Bursary for Students with Difficult Family Situations – as an interim measure to support financial needy students who have not received any government financial aids due to precarious family situations. (available throughout the year).
3 Regular bursaries and interest-free loans for students with financial needs - there are four kinds of bursary: general bursaries, hall bursary, language immersion bursaries and bursary for students with disabilities. The following bursaries and loans are available (subject to the donation amount and selection criteria confirmed by donors):
(i) General Bursaries
  • Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects
  • Alumni Connect Bursary
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong) Bursary
  • Cheung Mui Sang Bursary
  • The EdUHK General Bursary 
  • Professor Frank Fu Bursary
  • The Helena May Bursary
  • Hsin Chong – K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund Bursary
  • Ms Lai Shim Memorial Bursary
  • Dr. Lam Kin Chung and Teacher Ikeda Bursary
  • Simon K. Y. Lee Foundation Bursary for ECE Students
(ii) Hall Bursary
  • The EdUHK Hall Bursary
(iii) Language Immersion Bursaries
  • Evelyn Yee-fun Man Immersion Bursary
  • Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund – Language Immersion Bursary
(iv) Bursary for Students with Disabilities
  • The EdUHK Bursary for Students with Disabilities
(v) Interest-free Loans
  • Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students’ Loan
  • Winsor Education Foundation Students’ Interest-free Loan
  The application on Bursary is normally open in September/January.
4 Verification of student status – for application of various travelling discount schemes.

The above information on financial assistance is subject to change without prior notice. Application details will be posted on The Portal and Student Affairs Office (SAO) notice boards. For enquiries regarding financial assistance, please contact the SAO at

5. Scholarships and Awards

1. Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit (normally minimum GPA 3.0). Contribution in community service, participation in extra-curricular activities, leadership abilities and other criteria as stipulated by the donors are also considered. Academic units and other offices of the University are invited to put forward recommendations for scholarships while some scholarships are open for application. The scholarships are normally presented either at the University’s functions or occasions organised by the donors.

General Scholarships

  • AIA Scholarships
  • Elaine Mak So Man Yee Memorial Scholarship
  • For Our Future Scholarship
  • Hong Kong Association of University Women Scholarships
  • Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership Scholarship
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chairman’s Scholarships
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Undergraduate Scholarship
  • HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship
  • Link University Scholarship
  • Swire Scholarship
  • Warren Chan Best Academic Progress Award

Government Scholarships

  • Education Scholarships Fund Awards
  • HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund – Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Talent Development Scholarship, Reaching Out Award, Endeavour Merit Award, Targeted Scholarship Scheme - Belt and Road Scholarship
  • Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship
  • Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship
  • Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers
  • Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme – Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award, Reaching Out Award, Talent Development Scholarship, Endeavour Scholarship
  • Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships/ Scholarships for Disabled Students, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships

Subject Area Scholarships

  • AIA Success PB District Outstanding Internship Performance Scholarship
  • Au Bak Ling Charity Trust Scholarship
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong) Scholarship
  • The Bank of East Asia Scholarship
  • BEAM Society Scholarship in Green Building Excellence
  • Chan Chen Shu An Scholarship
  • Dr Chan Shuk Ching Memorial Scholarship
  • Cheung Wan Memorial Scholarship for Art
  • Cheung's Family Charity Fund Scholarship
  • Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship
  • Christina Ting Yuk-chee Scholarship
  • Elizabeth Frankland Moore Awards
  • Emperor Foundation Scholarship
  • Professor Frank Fu Scholarship
  • Dr Frankie Yeung Wai Shing Scholarship
  • Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Scholarship
  • The Hong Kong Children's Choir Music Scholarship
  • Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
  • The Hong Kong Language Campaign Scholarship for English
  • HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship
  • Innovation and Technology Scholarship
  • Koo Hok Chun Scholarship
  • Leung Che Kwong and Lai Shim Memorial Scholarship
  • Mr Leung Che Kwong Memorial Scholarship
  • Leung Sau Memorial Scholarship
  • Dr Li Wai Shing Memorial Scholarship
  • Ng Hong Man Educational Foundation Outstanding Student Scholarship
  • Ng Siu Yue Memorial Scholarship
  • Nissin Foods Scholarships for Elite Athletes (Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme)
  • Rural Training College Alumni Association Scholarship
  • Shanghai Commercial Bank Scholarship
  • Shun Hing Chinese Language Scholarship
  • Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Award/ Medal/ Scholarship
  • Dr Stella Chong Suk Ching Memorial Scholarship
  • Tang Choi Chi Lan Scholarship
  • Techoy Construction Scholarship
  • Tse Family Scholarship

Entrance Scholarships

  • EdUHK-Church of Christ in China Entrance Scholarship
  • EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Local Students
  • EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Local Students
  • EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Senior Year Entry Students
  • EdUHK Sun Hung Kai Properties Scholarship Scheme
  • EdUHK-Yan Oi Tong & HK Tai Shan Clansmen Association Charitable Foundation Entrance Scholarship
  • Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scheme - Entrance Scholarship for Sports/ Music/ Visual Arts
  • Parsons Music Entrance Scholarship
  • Sik Sik Yuen Entrance Scholarship

Outbound Scholarships

  • Chiang Chen Overseas Exchange Scholarship
  • Christina Ting Yuk-chee Student Exchange Scholarship
  • CMB Wing Lung Bank Student Exchange Scholarship
  • The Confucian Academy Student Exchange Scholarship
  • EdUHK Student Exchange Scholarship
  • Evelyn Yee-fun Man Scholarship
  • Fung Scholarships
  • The Hong Kong Chinese Importers & Exporters' Association Scholarships
  • HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship
  • HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme
  • Dr Li Dak Sum Experiential Learning Scholarships
  • Dr Li Dak Sum Language Immersion Scholarships
  • Dr Ma Kai-yum Student Exchange Scholarship (The Belt and Road Initiative)
  • Sik Sik Yuen Language Immersion Scholarship
  • Sik Sik Yuen Student Exchange Scholarship
  • Stella Lo Scholarship

Scholarships Exclusively for Non-local Students

  • EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-local Students
  • Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship
  • Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scheme - Entrance Scholarship for Graduates from the Mainland Universities to Pursue Taught Master Programme at EdUHK
  • Thomas Yeung Scholarship

Field Experience/ Teaching Practice Scholarships

  • Dr Adam Lee Field Experience Scholarship
  • Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scheme - Scholarship for Field Experience
  • Mr Ng Chung Visual Arts Teaching Practice Scholarship
  • Parsons Music Outstanding Music Teaching Scholarship
  • Sik Sik Yuen Field Experience Scholarship

Other Scholarships

  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Striding On Scholarships
  • Postgraduate/ undergraduate/ sub-degree scholarships offered by Departments/ Faculties/ Graduate School/ Academies of the EdUHK
(For information on the scholarships, please visit the online EdUHK Calendar.)
Scholarship Application Schedule
Name of Scholarship Open Application*
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Awards September
HKSAR Government Scholarships September
HK International Institute of Educational Leadership Scholarship September
Hong Kong Association of University Women Scholarships September
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Undergraduate Scholarship October
For Our Future Scholarship October
Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme October
Au Bak Ling Charity Trust Scholarship October
Thomas Yeung Scholarship October
HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship November
AIA Scholarships November
Swire Scholarship November
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Undergraduate Scholarship January
Link University Scholarship
(for non-graduating students)
*The above schedule is for reference only.
2. EdUHK Student Awards
EdUHK Student Awards are granted to students by the University primarily on the basis of academic performance. The awardees will receive a certificate and a pin as a token of recognition and encouragement. There are two types of Awards and the major criteria are given as follows:
  • President’s Honour List
    For graduating undergraduate students (except advanced year entry) and research postgraduate/ professional doctorate students
    Minimum Programme GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the whole study programme
    Minimum “Credit” in Field Experience
    Good conduct
    The student with the highest Programme GPA in a programme will be eligible
    The awardee cannot receive Dean’s Honour List concurrently
  • Dean’s Honour List
    For students studying a one-year or above full-time programme, or a two-year or above part-time programme
    Minimum Year GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the academic year
    Minimum “Credit” (if graded Distinction/ Credit) or “Pass” (if graded Pass/ Fail)
    Minimum credit points obtained at EdUHK in the academic year are: 24 for full-time programmes, 12 for part-time programmes, 12 for students on semester-long exchange (TPg and RPg programmes may have their own credit points requirements per semester/ per year; please refer to the websites of relevant programmes for more information)
    Good conduct
    The quota is capped at a maximum of 10%
    The awardee cannot receive President’s Honour List concurrently
(Please note that the University has the final decision on the granting of awards.)
3. President's Commendation Scheme
The President’s Commendation Scheme is established to provide university-level recognition of students’ non-academic achievements in arts and culture, community service, leadership, sports and innovation, science and technology. All full-time EdUHK students and student groups comprising full-time EdUHK students are eligible. The level of achievement, impact to the area, the extent of commitment, academic performance, and recommendation by referees are considered in the assessment. A two-tier recognition structure is offered:
Name of Award Selection Criteria Max. No. of Awards
President’s Commendation Students with impactful non-academic achievements 10
President’s Appreciation Students with exemplary non-academic achievements 25
(Open for application in October, subject to selection and interview. Please note that the University has the final decision on granting of awards.)
4. Whole Person Development Award
Name of Award Participation Hours in ELAT Application Quota
Dean of Students' List
(highest level)
200 hours >30 hours each in all 4 categories*, plus outstanding organising/ leading performance in non-formal learning activities November/ December (eligible students will receive email invitation) 10
Whole Person Development Advanced Certificate 100 hours >10 hours each in all 4 categories* Automatically awarded Unlimited
Whole Person Development Certificate 100 hours >10 hours each in any 3 categories* Automatically awarded Unlimited
*The 4 ELAT categories are (i) Personal Effectiveness; (ii) Global & Cultural Enrichment; (iii) Citizenship & Civic Engagement; and (iv) Careers & Professional Development
(Please note that the University has the final decision on granting of awards.) 
There are also other scholarships and awards offered by the University’s departments, offices or external organisations. Details will be made available by the relevant units at the time of application. The most updated information will be posted in The Portal. For matters regarding scholarships and awards, please contact the Student Affairs Office.
Note: The above information on scholarships and awards is subject to change without prior notice.

6. Insurance Coverage

The University has arranged the following insurance policies which are applicable to students of the University:
1. Group Personal Accident Insurance
This insurance covers all full-time and part-time students against personal accidents leading to bodily injuries, death and permanent disability and related accidental medical expenses whilst participating in the activities organised by the University anywhere within Hong Kong.
2. Group Travel Insurance
This insurance covers all full-time and part-time students against accidental death and disablement, medical expenses (due to sickness or injury), personal liability, loss of or damage to personal baggage and belongings, loss of money, flight and baggage delay, trip cancellation or curtailment and emergency assistance services etc. incurred whilst travelling outside territorial of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, provided that such travelling and activities outside territorial of Hong Kong are organised or approved or directed by the University.
For details of the Group Personal Accident Insurance and Group Travel Insurance, please refer to the FO Corner of The Portal.
3. Claim Procedures
For Group Personal Accident Insurance and Group Travel Insurance, claim forms with detailed claim procedures are available from the FO Corner of The Portal and hard copies can be obtained from the Finance Office.
Note: Should there be any discrepancy between the information contained in this section and the provision of the insurance contract, the latter shall prevail.