


Dr Buchtel Emma Wins FEHD Dean’s Research Award


The FEHD Dean’s Research Awards aim to recognize outstanding journal articles, books, and research projects that impact our community and society at large.

The results of Dean’s Research Awards 2018/19:

Dean’s Research Award: Journal Articles
The Journal Article Award recognizes journal articles of outstanding quality in terms of originality, rigour, and significance.

Buchtel, E. E., Ng, L. C. Y., Norenzayan, A., Heine, S. J., Biesanz, J. C., Chen, S. X., Bond, M. H., Peng, Q. & Su, Y. (2018). A sense of obligation: Cultural differences in the experience of obligation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(11), 1545-1566.

Gao, F., Lai, C. & Halse, C. (2019). Belonging beyond the deficit label: The experiences of ‘non-Chinese speaking’ minority students in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(3), 186-197.

Jang, S. T. (2018). The implications of intersectionality on Southeast Asian female students’ educational outcomes in the United States: A critical quantitative intersectionality analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 55(6), 1268-1306. 
Cheung, R. Y. M. & Ng, M. C. Y. (2019). Mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety: The underlying roles of awareness, acceptance, impulse control, and emotion regulation. Mindfulness, 10(6), 1124-1135.
Wang, H., Hall, N. C. & Taxer, J. L. (published online). Antecedents and consequences of teachers’ emotional labor: A systematic review and meta-analytic investigation. Educational Psychology Review. doi:10.1007/s10648-019-09475-3.
Dean’s Research Award: Research Engagement and Impact
The Research Engagement and Impact Award recognizes the contribution of research by academic staff to the improvement of society.
Dr. Anna Kam, SEC
Project: Easy Identification of Hearing Loss and Improving Listening Experience with Personalized Amplification
Dr. Margarita PAVLOVA, IE
Project: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs in Asia and the Pacific region.
Dean’s Research Award: Books
The Book Award recognizes books of outstanding quality in terms of originality, rigour, and significance.
Dr. Bick Har LAM, C&I
Lam, B. H. (2019). Social Support, Well-being, and Teacher Development. Singapore: Springer.

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