To showcase the learning and teaching initiatives and activities taking place in Faculties, School, Departments and Academic Support Units as well as the Student ePortfolio Award, over 30 poster boards will be displayed in D1 and D2-LP corridor in February and March 2015. You are most welcome to join our Poster Board Exhibition anytime during the Festival to share the accomplishments of learning and teaching initiatives and activities from different units! The list of participating units is shown below.
Student ePortfolio Award
The Student ePortfolio Award is initiated by the LTTC of HKIEd, with the objectives to promote the use of ePortfolios at HKIEd, and engage students to manage, monitor, reflect upon, and showcase their own learning with ePortfolios. All undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in this event. Participants can tailor-make their ePortfolios on Mahara, or choose the ePortfolio they have created for academic courses and/or overseas exchange programmes for submission to the Award. Workshops and online resources are provided to guide students to create and organize a more advanced ePortfolio. All submitted ePortfolios are judged based on the evaluation rubrics for the following aspects: reflection, organization and layout, uses of artifacts, quality of writing and overall structure. The judging panel is formed by a group of academic and teaching staff from different faculties. Winners of the Award will receive prizes (laptops and tablets) provided by the sponsor, and share their ePortfolios during the Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015.
Poster Board Participation List