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Best Paper Award

HAN Guangju (Exploring the Stylistic Features of Financial News: A Corpus-based Study of the Verb Pattern V n)
CHANG Anano & LV Haihui (Comparative Study: Differences Between Proses Written by Human Writers and Proses Automatically Generated by Large Language Models from the Perspective of Quantitative Linguistics)
SU Xiaoqi & MA Qing (Showdown Looming in the Forbidden City A Corpus-based Study of Translanguaging Strategies Use by a Bilingual Chinese Author of English Fiction)
LIU Guangxiong Leon, Ron DARVIN & MA Chaojun (Unpacking the Nexus of Motivation and Enjoyment in AI-mediated Informal Digital Learning of English (AI-IDLE): A Mixed-method Investigation in the Chinese University Context)
ZHANG Chang, XIE Qin & WANG Lixun (Generative Artificial Intelligence and Digital Writing: An Analysis of Source Use)
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