Call for Papers

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The jointly held TeLLT 2024 conference and CoLLT 2024 conference aim to bring together academics from around the world to report on their various research work related to technology-enhanced language learning and teaching (TeLLT), and corpus-based language learning and teaching (CoLLT). As TeLLT and CoLLT are gaining momentum in this digitized world, we hope that, through the two jointly held conferences, we can promote Hong Kong as a hub for academic exchanges and collaborations in the area of technology-enhanced language learning and teaching, and corpus-based language learning and teaching. We welcome scholars and researchers to report their studies on technology-enhanced (including corpus-based) learning and teaching of English, Putonghua, Cantonese, and other modern languages (e.g., French, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, etc.)

Conference Sessions

The conference will be composed of keynote speeches, oral and poster presentations. In addition, practical workshops for demonstrating how corpus resources/tools can be integrated into classroom teaching will be arranged.

Conference Theme

The themes of the conferences include but are not limited to the following areas:

  1. New technologies (e.g. AI, Metaverse, AR, VR, XR) and second/foreign language education
  2. Generative AI in language education
  3. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) development
  4. TeLLT environment
  5. TeLLT & L2 teacher education
  6. TeLLT & L2 learners
  7. Web-based instructional design for second/foreign language instruction
  8. Web-based & resource-driven language learning
  9. Technology-enhanced language assessment
  10. Mobile language Learning and emerging technologies
  11. Fostering autonomous language learning through technologies
  12. Managing multimedia/hypermedia language learning environments
  13. Corpus-based language learning and teaching
  14. Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography
  15. Corpus-based grammatical studies
  16. Corpus-based studies of phonetics and phonology
  17. The use of corpora in discourse analysis
  18. Corpus approaches to the study of new media
  19. Corpus design, compilation and types
  20. Corpus methodology
  21. Corpora, contrastive studies and translation
  22. Corpus-based computational linguistics
  23. Corpus-based data-driven learning
  24. Special uses of corpus linguistics
  25. In addition, practical workshops for demonstrating how corpus resources/tools can be integrated into classroom teaching will be arranged.

Abstract Submission
We invite submissions of abstracts for the following types of contributions:

Paper presentation:

25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation; 5 minutes for comments and questions)

Poster presentations:

To be displayed at conveniently accessible conference venue

Submission of abstracts:

Abstracts should be within 400 words (excluding references and figures). All submissions should be made via email submission (a Word template for the abstract will be available on conference website). The link for abstract submission is available at:

The link for PPT template is available at:

Conference presentation policy:

Individuals may submit one abstract as the sole/first author of a paper. In addition, an individual may have a role as co-author/co-presenter of another paper, with another presenter as the first-named author.

Best paper awards:

Best paper awards will be offered to presenters with high-quality research papers. These prestigious awards aim to recognize and honour exceptional research in the fields of technology-enhanced language learning and teaching, as well as corpus-based language learning and teaching.

Conference publications:

Special issues of the following journals will be dedicated to selected papers from the Conference. The journals include Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence (Scopus indexed, CiteScore 7.7, Elsevier)

and Computers and Education: X Reality (Elsevier)

Extended versions of conference papers will be invited for review and publication in these journals.

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Best Paper Award

HAN Guangju (Exploring the Stylistic Features of Financial News: A Corpus-based Study of the Verb Pattern V n)
CHANG Anano & LV Haihui (Comparative Study: Differences Between Proses Written by Human Writers and Proses Automatically Generated by Large Language Models from the Perspective of Quantitative Linguistics)
SU Xiaoqi & MA Qing (Showdown Looming in the Forbidden City A Corpus-based Study of Translanguaging Strategies Use by a Bilingual Chinese Author of English Fiction)
LIU Guangxiong Leon, Ron DARVIN & MA Chaojun (Unpacking the Nexus of Motivation and Enjoyment in AI-mediated Informal Digital Learning of English (AI-IDLE): A Mixed-method Investigation in the Chinese University Context)
ZHANG Chang, XIE Qin & WANG Lixun (Generative Artificial Intelligence and Digital Writing: An Analysis of Source Use)
Evaluation Form

Please click here or scan the following QR Code to fill in the evaluation form..

PPT Template

Please click here to download the PPT template.