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Yamaguchi University Historical and Cultural Tour 2025

Yamaguchi University Historical and Cultural Tour


The Yamaguchi University Historical and Cultural Tour is inviting EduHK students to apply for a 9-day exchange tour to Yamaguchi University!

1. Objectives

To provide students with an immersive experience, allowing them to interact with Japanese students, visit schools, explore cultural and historical sites, and museums. The aim is to enhance their understanding of Japanese culture, promote mutual understanding, and foster academic collaboration between the students and faculties of both institutions.

2. Quota


20 students


3. Dates and Events


Students will visit Yamaguchi University and participate in a 2-day cultural programme, followed by a 7-day guided tour in Yamaguchi. The dates are from 15 to 23 May, 2025.


4. Language Usage


The language of communication during the Yamaguchi University programme will be Japanese, while Cantonese will be used during the Yamaguchi tour.

5. Expenditure and Subsidy


 The 2-day cultural study programme provided by Yamaguchi University is free of charge. However, participants are responsible for covering expenses such as airfare, transportation, accommodation, meal expenses, and workshop/entrance fees. The estimated total expenditure per person is expected to be around HKD $16,000 (tentative). Students can apply for the GLEF (Global Learning Enhancement Fund), which, upon approval, can cover up to a maximum of 50% (Maximum HK$10,000) of their expenses.


6. Eligibility


  • This programme is open to full-time undergraduate students of EdUHK in the 2024-25 academic year.
  • Japanese language proficiency is not a requirement, but basic communication ability is advised.


7. Tentative Schedule



8. Application and Enquiry


Application Form


For Enquiry, send email to
Charles C. Chen, Jr.
Japanese Programme Coordinator
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies


9. Application Deadline


31 March 2025


10. Other Information

Global Learning Enhancement Fund (GLEF)


Website of Yamaguchi University


Organized by
Japanese Studies, Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies