- 2948 7365
- B4-2/F-13
- nybwong@eduhk.hk
The 2020 Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry (Third Place)
From the years 2018 to 2020, the Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry invited editors of literary journals based in or who identify with Southeast Asia to nominate poems they believe are deserving of greater recognition. Our focus was on the independent journals and publications from our region that curate amazing work from around the world; we wanted to draw attention not just to the poets these journals / publications publish, but to their publishers and editors as well. We decided on the name "Hawker Prize" as it hints at our food-loving regional cultures, and also places an emphasis on the platforms which regularly hawk poetry to hungry and eager readers.
Date of receipt: 5/8/2021
Conferred by: Sing Lit Station
University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize Longlist
The prize celebrates the enduring significance of poetry to cultures everywhere in the world, and its ongoing and often seminal importance to world literatures.
Date of receipt: 20/10/2019
Conferred by: University of Canberra
文藝復興獎 (純文學創作)
Date of receipt: 12/7/2018
Conferred by: 文藝復興基金
Peter Porter Poetry Prize
Established by the ABR in 2005, the Prize is named after the late Australian poet Peter Porter. The Porter Prize, awarded annually by the ABR, is considered 'one of Australia's most lucrative and respected awards for poetry' and among the country's 'most prestigious prizes for a new poem'.
Date of receipt: 3/2018
Conferred by: Australian Book Review
2017 Hong Kong Young Artist Award (Literary Arts)
Annual prize that rewards outstanding artists of different disciplines in Hong Kong
Date of receipt: 5/2017
Conferred by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Lambda Literary Award
The Lambda Literary Awards (the “Lammys”) identify and celebrate the best lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender books of the year and affirm that LGBTQ stories are part of the literature of the world.
Date of receipt: 6/2016
Conferred by: Lambda Literary