- 2948 7407
- B4-2/F-16
- luluzhou@eduhk.hk
A History of Representation of Mainlanders in Hong Kong TV Dramas
Representation is a key concept to cultural studies. Who can be on TV? Do they represent diversity or stereotypes? Why? What will be the consequences? These are questions of aesthetics and politics. This study will try to fill this research gap by critically surveying representations of mainlanders from the 1960s to the present and situate such representations in the context of Hong Kong history.
In particular, we will re-theorize the concepts of representation, stereotyping and racism, and focus primarily on ten selected dramas. Our methodology is systematic, consisting of archival studies of historical reports in newspapers, textual analysis, industry interviews, local and nonlocal audience interviews. Since ours is a critical study, we do not aim to serve the culture industry and related government sectors.
Project Start Year : 2022
Chief Investigator(s) : ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺
Watching Mainland Chinese Television Dramas in Hong Kong: Youth, Identities and Transcultural Consumption
This ECS (Early Career Scheme, 傑出青年學者計劃) grant is funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, which addresses an important and intriguing basic question: why, in light of significant anti-Mainland sentiments among Hong Kong youth, are Mainland TV dramas popular with this audience? The core method involves qualitative, in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 34 Hong Kong young viewers of Mainland TV dramas; and the research objectives are to yield new insights into urgent questions: the cultural and political affiliations of Hong Kong youth today; the current trends in TV viewership; and ultimately, the meaning of "Chineseness" at this point in Hong Kong, a contested territory.
Project Start Year : 2018
Chief Investigator(s) : ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺
Consuming Chinese Television Programs in Hong Kong: Transcultural Fandom and the Politics of Hong Kong Identities
Aiming to be a pilot study of my ECS project, this study is an empirical audience research of contemporary Hong Kong young adults’ TV drama consumptions, aiming to explore the depth of their TV drama viewing experiences in the theoretical lens of “Quality Television”. In 2017, my ECS project has been funded by the RGC on the basis of this pilot study.
Project Start Year : 2016
Chief Investigator(s) : ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺
DongFang Bubai's Queer Fandom in Contemporary Chinese Cyberspaces
This is a Start-Up Research Grant for Newly-Appointed Lecturers funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, and this project intends to study the online fandom of Dongfang Bubai, a legendary queer icon that was created by Jin Yong (1969), remade by Tsui Hark (1991; 1993) and Yu Zheng (2013), situating Chinese netizens' consumption practices in the fields of fan studies, gender and queer studies, literary and adaptation studies, as well as media and cultural studies.
Project Start Year : 2015
Chief Investigator(s) : ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺
Television Drama Consumption in Hong Kong: Audiences, Quality and the Politics of Popular Culture
This is an Internal Research Grant funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, which is an empirical qualitative audience research of contemporary Hong Kong young adults’ TV drama consumption. The research aiming to explore the depth of their TV drama viewing experiences in the theoretical lens of “Quality Television”.
Project Start Year : 2015
Chief Investigator(s) : ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺