Professor John Nguyet Erni is carrying the concurrent title of Chair Professor of Cultural Studies.
Academic study in Media and Cultural Studies, Communication Theory, Critical Qualitative Research Methods, and International Law. Until 2022 he was Fung Hon Chu Endowed Professor in Humanics and Chair Professor in Humanities, Hong Kong Baptist University. Formerly, President of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities (2017-18) and Head of Department of Humanities & Creative Writing at HKBU (2014-2020). Corresponding Fellow of Australian Academy of the Humanities since 2019. Recipient of Gustafson, Rockefeller, Annenberg, Lincoln, and William Lim Siew Wai Fellowships in 1997, 1999, 2008, and 2018 respectively. Before coming to Hong Kong, he taught at University of New Hampshire (1993-2001); and University of Wisconsin at River Falls (1990-1993). Educated at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (PhD; 1992), University of Oregon (MA; 1987), University of Hong Kong (LLM in Human Rights; 2005), and Whitworth University (BA; 1985). Research focus on international and Asia-based media and cultural studies; critical legal theory centering on human rights philosophy, ethics and politics; gender and sexuality studies related to media and visual culture; youth studies in transnational contexts; cultural politics of race/ethnicity/migration; critical public health studies; ethics and politics of care.