RGC HSSPFS (Humanities & Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Government Research Grants Council):
Principal Investigator, “Human Rights Museums in the Transpacific: A Comparative Study of Cultural Institutions for the Histories of Difference and Resistance,” RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (Project no.
32001019) (1/1/20 – 31/12/20) (extended to 2021 due to COVID-19)
RGC GRF (General Research Fund, Hong Kong Government Research Grants Council) (formerly CERG):
2019-2020 Principal Investigator, “A Cultural Study of Volunteer Traveling, Transnational Civic Participation and Youth Idealism: The Case of Voltra,” RGC GRF (Project no.:
12667618) (1/1/19 – 31/12/20)
Co-investigator, “Media and (Minority) Participation of South (East) Asian in Hong
Kong” (PI: Lisa Leung), RGC GRF (Project no. LU131085) (1/1/18 – 31/12/19)
Principal Investigator, “Toward an Ethnic Cultural Citizenship: A Cultural Indicator and Mapping Study of Popular Arts Participation among South and South East Asian Youth in Hong Kong,” (Co-I: Audrey Yue), RGC GRF (Project no.: 12660516)
(1/1/17 – 31/12/18)
Principal Investigator, “Visual Narratives and the Making of Ethnic Feelings: A Cultural Study of Affect, Ethnicity, and Practices of Social Recognition among
South Asians in Hong Kong,” RGC GRF (Project no.: 340411) (HKD936,406;
USD120,052 (including on-costs)) (1/1/12 – 31/12/14)
Co-investigator, “Creative Belonging: A Qualitative Study of Translocal Tactics of
Cultural Negotiation among Ethnic Minority Youth,” (PI: Lisa Leung), RGC GRF
(Project no.: LU341008) (HKD511,960; USD65,636) (1/1/09 – 30/6/11)
Principal Investigator, “Toward an Interconnected Cultural Citizenship: An
Empirical Study of a Transborder Public Culture of Health in the Hong Kong-
Guangdong Region,” RGC CERG (Project no.: LU142607) (HKD505,050; USD64,750)
(1/1/08 – 31/12/09)
Principal Investigator, “Agents of Cultural Circulation: An Empirical Study of the
Tourist Service Class as Cultural Intermediaries in the Pearl River Delta,” RGC CERG
(Project no.: LU 1457/05H) (HKD586,336; USD75,171) (1/1/06 – 31/12/07)
Principal Investigator, “Transnational Text, Local Reading: A Reception Study of Harry Potter and the Formation of Middle-class Culture in Urban China,” (Co-I:
Anthony Fung), RGC CERG (Project no.: 9040854) (HKD566,600; USD72,641)
Co-Investigator, “Popular Culture Consumption and Youth Identities in Hong Kong: Trajectories and Transitions,” (P.I. Anthony Fung), RGC CERG (Project no.: CityU
1056/99H) (HKD452,000; USD57,950)
RGC Strategic Public Policy Grant
Co-Investigator, “Mapping the Hong Kong Game Industry: Cultural Policy, Creativity and the Asian Market,” (PI: Anthony Fung), RGC Strategic Public Policy Grant (Project no.: 4001-SPPR-09) (HKD3.5 million; USD448,718) (1/1/2010 – 31/12/2014)
Outside Grant:
Co-Investigator, “Research on Programme Evaluation and Assessment of Health
Literacy Education,” (PI: Anthony Fung), Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme
2.0 (HKD4,506,000; USD577,691) (1/10/2021-31/10/2023)
University Grants (selected):
Principal Investigator, “Postgraduate Student Conference in Humanities –
“Negotiating Identity and Creativity in Times of Crisis,” University Conference
Grant, Research Committee & Faculty of Arts (Project no. RC-CONF/20-21/06),
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD49,850; USD6,391)
Co-investigator, “Exploring Creativity and Selves in Hong Kong’s Disabled
Communities,” Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas (Project no. RC-
FNRA-IG /19-20), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD1,000,000; USD128,205)
Principal Investigator, “Transpacific Cultural Studies of Gender, Migration, and Rights,” Graduate School Multi-site Interdisciplinary Research Grant (Project no.
36-16-009), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD246,600; USD31,615) (1/1/2018 –
31/12/2019; extended to 31/12/2020)
Principal Investigator, “New Transnational Youth Idealism and Volunteer
Traveling: The Case of Voltra” (Project no. FRG2/16-17/089), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD149,180; USD19,125)
Principal Investigator, “Open World Empire: The Cultural Politics of Interactivity in the Transpacific,” (Project no. FRG2/16-17/035), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD177,520; USD22,760)
Co-investigator, “Negotiating Precarity and Youthful Mobility: Globalized Labor and the 417 Working Holiday Maker program,” School of Culture and Communication Research Incubator Scheme, University of Melbourne
(AUS$4,971; HKD30,000)
Principal Investigator, “Toward an Ethnic Cultural Citizenship: A Cultural Indicator Study of Popular Arts Participation among South and Southeast Asian Youth in
Hong Kong,” FRG Cat I (Project no. FRG1/15-16/004), Hong Kong Baptist University
(HKD49,700; USD6,372)
Principal Investigator, “Youth’s Self-imaging of Body and Gender,” Institute of
Creativity Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD100,000; USD12,820)