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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
When "Means Become Ends"

Pedagogy is generally regarded as the "means" of teaching to achieve a particular "end" in teaching. However, an alternative view was reflected in a seminar held by the HKIEd's Centre for Citizenship Education in early June 2006 when a number of academics in education from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, attended the two-day event. They explored how pedagogy nurtures democratic citizenship, and reflected that pedagogy itself could become the "ends" in teaching. The keynote speaker, Professor Carole L. Hahn came to this conclusion when she discussed how best to develop active, participating, concerned citizens in her presentation: "How we teach is more important than what we teach."


AT THE SEMINAR, Professor Hahn highlighted the ingredients that enhance students' civic knowledge and develop positive civic attitudes. Using research results, she illustrated the effectiveness of the “active student-centred pedagogy ” model adopted in various countries. Eight presentations were conducted by participants to discuss major civic education issues and the different pedagogies where they come from. The presentations showed how education needs vary in different social situations.

Professor Carole L. Hahn expounded
"active student-centered pedagogy"
model to the audience.

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