Message from the President Partnering with Principals for Excellence in Education Four Flagship Projects on HKIEd-School Principals Partnership Mega-brainstorming Session for 1,000 Educators Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 HKIEd News Photo Gallery Connected Online - Website Launched for Special Education When “Means Become Ends” Growing Up Among Different Worlds Professor Andy Kirkpatrick Ox-bridge Students from HKIEd Tsang Ngo-yin, Chen Yingjun Experience Transfer From Hong Kong Scholars to Guangxi Educators Voluntary Student Teachers in Hunan Thank You for Your Generous Support Whole Person Education Starts with Hostel Life We Cherish Your Donations Joy of Learning Editorial Committee Student's Artwork
HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
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Institute receives Silver for energy conservation

We won the Silver Award in the "Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Award - University" category, organised by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

We are fully committed to promoting environmental initiatives. With funding of $1.2 million from the University Grants Committee, a solar water heating system will be installed at our Amenities and Sports Complex, which will save energy and greatly help to reduce greenhouse gases produced by the use of fossil fuels.



Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選
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HKIEd Rugby Team emerges as Grand Champion

The HKIEd once again achieved brilliant results in the Tertiary 7-a-side Rugby League held in May, winning the Grand Champion award for the second year in a row. The boys' team gained the greatest honour – the Cup Champion in both Stage 1 and 2, while the girls' team won the Plate Championship. Coach cum boys' team member, Mr Yong Chi-fung, and girls' team member, Ms Lam Ching-man, were also selected as best-performing players in the tournament.