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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
Ox-bridge Students from HKIEd

The Year 3 immersion semester gave Yingjun her most unforgettable experience of her four years at the HKIEd. In 2004, she was sent to the University of Durham in the UK for 14 weeks, during which time she found herself enjoying a much broadened horizon. It was also at Durham that she first encountered anthropology and developed an immense interest in this academic field.

"The immersion programme included elective learning, field study, school attachment, as well as a live-in experience with local families. All in all, it was eye-opening for me because I had the chance of studying in a university with a long history and came into close contact with the English community and its culture. It has also nourished my interest in anthropology." Yingjun concluded her Durham expedition with great excitement.

While attending the immersion programme, Yingjun conducted a survey on the "British Pub Culture" as part of her project studies. Through questionnaires, on-site observations and focused interviews, Yingjun's study investigated why the British people are often attracted to their local pubs.

Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選 Research Grants Council Members were impressed by the Institute’s commitment to research and scholarship which have a strong applied dimension to meet the needs of local community.
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Yingjun's horizon was broadened
after her immersion
semester in the UK.