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The Symposium has eight sessions. Seven of them are panel sessions, each comprising - a keynote presentation (30 min); - followed by a panel discussion with 4 discussants, each to speak for 7 minutes (28 min); - then Q&A/Discussion involving all participants at the Symposium (32 min).
Download printable (pdf) version of Symposium Programme (updated on: 28 Dec 2010)
Download texts of keynote addresses (updated on: 28 Dec 2010)
Pre-Symposium: 11 January 2011 (Tuesday)
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm |
Welcome Reception at official hotel (sponsored by Green Power) [ Venue: Tin Tin Bar, 4/F., Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin ] |
8:00 am |
Coach travel from Hotel to HKIEd |
8:30 am |
Registration |
9:00 am |
Opening Ceremony |
9:30 am |
Panel Session 1: Lifelong Learning for Poverty Reduction (keynote presentation) |
10:00 am |
Tea Reception |
10:30 am |
Panel Session 1 (continued): Lifelong Learning for Poverty Reduction (Discussants, Q&A/Discussion) |
11:30 am |
Panel Session 2: Lifelong Learning: meanings, challenges and opportunities |
1:00 pm |
Lunch |
2:30 pm |
Panel Session 3: Skills Development for Employability (TVET) and Lifelong Learning |
4:00 pm |
Tea |
4:30 pm |
Panel Session 4: Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development |
6:00 pm |
Coach travel from HKIEd to Dinner venue |
7:00 pm |
Official Dinner |
9:00 pm |
Coach travel from Dinner venue to Hotel |
8:00 am |
Coach travel from Hotel to HKIEd |
8:30 am |
Panel Session 5: New Technologies in Lifelong Learning |
10:00 am |
Tea |
10:30 am |
Panel Session 6: The Shifting Demographics of Lifelong Learning for Youth and Adults |
12:00 noon |
Lunch |
1:00 pm |
Panel Session 7: Research and Funding for Lifelong Learning – Development Partner Perspectives |
3:00 pm |
Tea |
3:30 pm |
Session 8: Conclusion - Overview and key issues emerging - Reflections on the Way Ahead - Presentation, discussion and adoption of Hong Kong Declaration |
5:00 pm |
Closing Ceremony - Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century: Implications of the Delors Report |
5:30 pm |
Coach travel from HKIEd to Hotel |
Panel Session 1: Lifelong Learning for Poverty Reduction
Chair |
Prof. Rupert MACLEAN Director, Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Keynote |
Mr. Sanjit 'Bunker' ROY Director, Barefoot College, India |
Discussants |
Mrs. Betty JITOKO Acting Director Training, Centre for Training and Development, Public Service Commission, Fiji |
Dr. NG Pak Tee Associate Dean, Leadership Learning, Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Learning; Associate Professor, Policy & Leadership Studies Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Singapore |
Prof. XU Xiaozhou Dean and Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University, China |
Dr. Shoko YAMADA Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya Univeristy, Japan |
Panel Session 2: Lifelong Learning: meanings, challenges and opportunities
Chair |
Prof. Mark MASON Professor, Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Keynote |
Prof. Colin POWER Chair, Commonwealth Consortium for Education, Australia |
Prof. BAO Jie Professor, Institute of Higher Technical and Vocational Education, Beijing Union University, China |
Prof. Nelson CUE Director, HKUST College of Lifelong Learning, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |
Dr. LEE Sze Kuen Victor Director, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Dr. Norman LUCAS Head, Department of Lifelong and Comparative Education, Institute of Education, University of London, UK |
Panel Session 3: Skills Development for Employability (TVET) and Lifelong Learning
Chair |
Mr. David LYTHE Senior Technical Consultatn, Polytechnics International New Zealand (PINZ), New Zealand |
Keynote |
Prof. Kenneth KING Emeritus Professor, School of Social and Political Studies Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK |
Discussants |
Dr. Peter KELL Director, UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre for Technical & Vocational Training Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Prof. Stephen LAMB Deputy Director, Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning, The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Dr. Sultan Hanif ORAKZAI Regional Director, National Vocational & Technical Education Commission, Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Pakistan |
Dr. Renato M. SOROLLA Faculty Specialist, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education |
Panel Session 4: Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development
Chair |
Dr. Eric TSANG Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Keynote |
Prof. Shyamal MAJUMDAR Director General, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education |
Discussants |
Ms. Duger BUJINLKHAM Director, Observatory and UNEVOC Center of Mongolia, Mongolia |
Prof. Frank BÜNNING Professor, Institute for Professional Education, University of Kassel, Germany |
Prof. HUANG Chunlin Chandler Dean, Office of Institutional Research and International Affairs, Zhejiang Technology Institute of Economy (ZJTIE), China |
Dr. LO Kin Ki Edmond Senior Deputy Executive Director, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong |
Panel Session 5: New Technologies in Lifelong Learning
Chair |
Prof. Colin POWER Chair, Commonwealth Consortium for Education, Australia |
Keynote |
Prof. Tapio VARIS UNESCO Chair in global eLearning with applications to multiple domains, Research Centre for Vocational Education, University of Tampere, Finland |
Discussants |
Mr. JAYASUNDARA MUDIYANSELAGE J. Banda Assistant Secretary – TVET Division, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea |
Prof. Olga Oleynikova Director, Centre for Vocational Education & Training Studies (National Observatory), Russian Federation |
Mr. Joe WAGNER Senior Consultant, InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Germany |
Panel Session 6: The Shifting Demographics of Lifelong Learning for Youth and Adults
Chair |
Prof. Andrew BROWN Director (Research), Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore Workforce Devleopment Agency; Visiting Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore |
Keynote |
Dr. Tom KARMEL Managing Director, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Australia |
Discussants |
Ms. Alice CHIN Vice President (Strategic Planning), Council for Third Age, Singapore |
Mr. SOU Chio Fai Director, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao |
Dr. Maureen TAM Deputy Director, Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong |
Prof. YANG Rui Associate Professor, Division of Policy, Administration & Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Panel Session 7: Research and Funding for Lifelong Learning – Development Partner Perspectives
Chair |
Dr. Ahmed Ali MANIK Minister of State for Education, Maldives |
Keynote |
Dr. Gwang-Jo KIM Director, UNESCO Bangkok |
Discussants |
Dr. Sorajak KASEMSUVAN Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Thailand |
Dr. Jouko SARVI Practice Leader (Education) and Chair, Education Sector Committee Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank |
Mr. Abhimanyu SINGH Director and Representative, UNESCO Beijing |
Dr. Harry STOLTE Head, Division of Modern Media and Curricula Development in Vocational Education and Training (Magdeburg), InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany |
Session 8: Conclusion
Chair |
Dr. David JOHNSON Reader in Comparative and International Education (developing countries), Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK |
Presentation |
Overview and key issues emerging Prof. Kenneth KING Emeritus Professor, School of Social and Political Studies Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK Reflections on the Way Ahead Mr. Sanjit 'Bunker' ROY Director, Barefoot College, India Presentation, discussion and adoption of Hong Kong Declaration Prof. Colin POWER Chair, Commonwealth Consortium for Education, Australia |
Closing Ceremony
Presentation |
Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century: Implications of the Delors Report Prof. ZHOU Nanzhao President, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Network for International Education and Values Education (APNIEVE), China |
Chair |
Prof. Colin POWER Chair, Commonwealth Consortium for Education, Australia |
Members |
Dr. Siripan CHOOMNOOM Lecturer, King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand |
Prof. Dr. Somsy GNOPHANXAY Vice-President, National University of Laos, Laos |
Mr. JAYASUNDARA MUDIYANSELAGE J. Banda Assistant Secretary – TVET Division, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. Salai Tluang Za THANG Associate Professor, Government Technical Institute (Hakha), Ministry of Science & Technology, Myanmar |
Dr. Lawrence TSANG Head of Business and IT Studies, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong |