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Panel Session 1 - 12 Jan, 9:30 am
"Demystifying Education: The Barefoot Approach"
- Mr. Sanjit 'Bunker' ROY |
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 2 - 12 Jan, 11:30 am
"Lifelong Learning for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development"
- Prof. Colin POWER
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 3 - 12 Jan, 2:30 pm
"Skills Development and Lifelong Learning – Challenges for Poverty Reduction, Sustainable Growth and Employability"
- Prof. Kenneth KING |
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 4 - 12 Jan, 4:30 pm
"Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development"
- Prof.
Shyamal MAJUMDAR |
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 5 - 13 Jan, 8:30 am
"Towards Global Education: The need for 21st century literacies"
- Prof. Tapio VARIS |
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 6 - 13 Jan, 10:30 am
"The Shifting Demographics and Lifelong Learning"
- Dr. Tom KARMEL |
speaker |
paper |
Panel Session 7 - 13 Jan, 1:00 pm
"Governance and Financing of Lifelong Learning: A Policy Perspective
from the Asia and Pacific Region"
- Dr. Gwang-Jo KIM |
speaker |
paper |