Home > Financial SupportFinancial Support

To enable students to have the opportunity to gain off-shore learning experiences, various sponsorship schemes have been established for different student groups and activity types, for examples:

Activity organisers will notify students of the type(s) of sponsorship available to them. The Global Learning Enhancement Fund (GLEF) is monitored by the International and Greater China Affairs Committee (IGCAC) whilst the other financial support schemes are managed by the Student Affairs Office.

To further promote internationalisation and better facilitate students in participating in learning experience in overseas and the Greater China Region, the University, since January 2013, has been offering the International and Regional Learning Enhancement Fund (IRLEF) to provide financial support to full-time undergraduate students participating in approved international and regional learning activities. In 2018, the Scheme has been renamed Global Learning Enhancement Fund (GLEF).

With the GLEF System, students are able to plan and monitor their own overseas learning experience with more flexibility and hopefully more effectively. When participating in specific non-local learning activities organised by Academic Faculties / Departments, and other offices such as Global Affairs Office, and Students Affairs Office, students may apply for subsidy via the GLEF to cover part of the activity fee.

From Academic Year 2018/19, this support has been extended to our full-time students of Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education programme (HD(ECE)).

General principles governing GLEF are:
1 All full-time undergraduates and full-time HD(ECE) students* are eligible for the fund;
2 Students are required to contribute at least 50% of the programme / activity fee;
3 The maximum subsidy for each student during his / her study at EdUHK is capped at $10,000 (for undergraduate students)/ $5,000 (for HD(ECE) students) in all circumstances;
4 The eligible activities are those recommended by Deans / Heads of Units, and approved at the International and Greater China Affairs Committee (IGCAC);
5 Activity Organisers would give priority to students who have had no international / regional learning experiences during their studies at EdUHK, and to non-final-year-final-term students; and
6 Compulsory courses and mandatory course requirement activities (e.g. language immersion programmes, internships, etc.) are excluded from the fund, except for the (i) non-local Experiential Learning Courses (ELC) until Semester I, 2028/29; (ii) major/ free electives and Learning Experience outside the Classroom (CLOC) with non-local elements; and (iii) credit-bearing courses with overseas/ Mainland learning experience (including the pilot run). The above arrangements shall follow the existing GLEF funding rules and will take immediate effect until further notice.

* from Academic Year 2018/19

Application procedures
1 Activity Organisers would announce the application procedures for participating in specific activities. An online subsidy application system (GLEF System) has been developed on the University’s Banner System platform for handling students’ application for subsidies. After logging in the system via the link at Teaching & Learning of EdUHK Portal, an eligible student can check his/ her GLEF subsidy balance, browse and search activities which are open for application, submit subsidy application and check the result.
2 Upon using up the GLEF balance, the student’s access to GLEF System would be ceased. For needy students, an additional facility is available for them to apply for using their own unused subsidy balance to pay in lieu the student contribution portion.

User Guide for Students:
(login required)

User Guide for Activity Organisers:
(login required)

Guidelines for GLEF Eligible Activities:
(login required)

Student Exchange Scholarships are available to EdUHK full-time UGC-funded students participating in Student Exchange Programme (SEP) organised by the Global Affairs Office (GAO).

Local and non-local students with financial needs may also apply for the Reaching Out Award (ROA) to participate in EdUHK's outreach activities. For details and enquiries on the above support schemes, please visit the Student Affairs Office.

Established in 2015 and 2016, the Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) and Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange to “Belt and Road” Regions for Post-secondary Students (SSEBR) are offered by Education Bureau (EDB) of the HKSAR to support financially needy students to participate in outbound exchange activities. Means-tested grant will be provided for financially needy local students (both publicly-funded and self-financing) of full-time locally-accredited undergraduate including top-up programmes to participate in exchange activities outside Hong Kong.

Starting from July 2019, EDB further offers two non-means-tested schemes for subsidy on exchange, namely, Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES) and Scheme for Non-means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to “Belt and Road” Regions for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested SSEBR) to encourage more students to pursue exchange activities in the Mainland and other B&R regions.

Details can be found at the corresponding webpage of SAO