Facilities & Student Services
The EdUHK Library comprises Mong Man Wai Library on Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library in Tseung Kwan O, and offers a full range of print and online information resources and services.
Mong Man Wai Library and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library occupy a total floor area of 8,300 square meters and provide study places for over 1,500 users, and postgraduate students can enjoy priority in advance booking of Study Carrels located at the Library's Research Commons. The Library is committed to supporting e-learning on both desktop and mobile platforms. In addition to regular IT hardware, state-of-the-art learning facilities such as 24-hour study and discussion areas with presentation equipment, video-conferencing facilities, 3D and large-format printers, drones, professional and consumer level 360 cameras, 3D/HD/4K video viewing and production equipment, as well as other facilities supporting AR/VR production are provided at the Library. The Library also houses one of the most comprehensive collections on education and complementary disciplines in the Asia-Pacific region. It also has a strong coverage on humanities and social sciences. Other than print materials, we have acquired and developed a substantial collection of electronic resources, and most of them are available online. In addition to borrowing books and media items from the Library, EdUHK students are entitled to request books or journal articles that are available elsewhere through the Library's Inter-library Loan and Document Delivery services. Books can be requested and borrowed from the other seven UGC-funded university libraries via Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL), and copies of journal articles and book chapters can be requested via the global RAPID document delivery service. Postgraduate students can also request books or journal articles not found at the Library from other local non-UGC academic libraries or even from our overseas partner libraries. They can also apply online for a JULAC Library Card to gain access to and to borrow books in person from other UGC-funded university libraries.
For further details, please visit the Library Website at www.lib.eduhk.hk and a Library virtual tour at wwww.lib.eduhk.hk/vrprojects/libtour .
Student Services
Counselling Services
A wide range of programmes and services are offered to enhance your psychological wellbeing. Psychological counselling by professional counsellors helps you find ways to deal with stress related to adjustment and study. All information will be kept confidential. Counsellors also offer training and activities to enhance your psychological wellness.
For further information, please visit our website at www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/counselling_services .
Career Development Service
The Career Development Service offers a wide range of resources and programmes designed to enhance your career preparation. Our services include career preparation training series, career fairs, recruitment talks, and industry seminars to help you understand your career interests, develop a solid career plan, improve your writing on CV and cover letter, practice interview skills, gain grooming and etiquette tips, and enhance your employability. The Mentorship Scheme connects you with industry professionals who possess updated market and company knowledge and can provide valuable guidance and support. Internship placements are available locally, overseas, and in the Greater China Region, providing practical work experience in real working environments. The EdUHK online job-search platform, "Ed Job Plus" https://edjobplus.eduhk.hk/EdJobPlus/eng/login/index , allows you to easily apply for full-time,part-time, internship, and iWork job vacancies, as well as access to useful training videos and career resources.
Please visit the website of the Career Development Service of SAO at www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/career for more information about our service.
Health Service
Located on the first floor of the Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building, the Health Centre provides primary medical services for all students. For dental services, students can enroll on the Voluntary Student Dental Plan on a voluntary basis. There are 5 off-campus dental clinics available, with 1 located in Tai Po Centre. To promote holistic health for all, the Student Affairs Office partners with medical and dental service providers to organise health education programmes in the form of talks and exhibitions on a regular basis.
For more information, please refer to: www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/health_care_services/on_campus_health_centre .
Student Accommodation
All newly admitted full-time UGC-funded Research Postgraduate (RPg) students are eligible to apply for on-campus accommodation in the RPg flats in Jockey Club Student Quarters JCSQ) managed by the Student Affairs Office (SAO) within the normative study period. The RPg flats in JCSQ are 6-person or 8-person flats, each with single/shared twin bedrooms. Student-residents have to share the common sitting/dining areas, terrace, kitchen/laundry room, toilets and bathrooms in each flat with their flatmates. Each bedroom is covered with Wi-Fi network and individual computer ports. All student-residents have the responsibility for keeping their own flats and rooms clean and tidy.
Hall fees consist of lodging charge and hall life education fee. Hall fees will be reviewed annually due to inflation adjustment and other related factors. Apart from the lodging charge and hall life education fee, all student-residents of the JCSQ have to share the electricity charges with their flatmates.
For more information about the RPg flats and the hall fees of the current residential year, please browse the website of Hall Management Section of SAO www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/student_halls .
For non-local postgraduate students on self-funded programmes, they are only eligible for applying for the UGC-funded student halls/quarters in Special Round, after completion of Round 2 (normally in September) or Round 3 (normally in November) hall applications, depending on the hall place availability and operation needs. There is no guarantee that the Special Round application will be open. If they have a genuine need for an on-campus bed-place, they may consider applying for the “Temporary Student Bed Places” (TSBP) accommodation at our Tai Po campus managed by the Estates Office (EO) subject to availability of places. Application forms for TSBP offered by the EO will be attached with the admission letter. For enquiry, please contact the EO by email at tsbp2425@eduhk.hk or by phone at (852) 2948 8822. Students may visit the Off-campus Accommodation Information Platform available on the website of Hall Management Section of SAO www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/student_halls for reference information on renting accommodation outside the campus.
Non-local Student Support Services
To facilitate non-local students' adjustment of campus life, cultural adaption and social networking in Hong Kong, the Student Affairs Office (SAO) organises briefing sessions, orientation activities and cultural integration programmes to help you create a fruitful university life. Please visit the website of Student Affairs Office (SAO) to obtain useful information related to studies at EdUHK. For more information, please refer to: www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/non_local_student_support_services .
Taught Postgraduate Student Support Services
To strengthen the support to Taught Postgraduate (TPg) students, the Student Affairs Office (SAO) offers an array of initiatives aimed at facilitating the transition to campus life, promoting cultural integration, and fostering social connections. SAO also organises informative briefing sessions, social gatherings, and various cultural activities, actively engaging TPg students and encouraging them to create fulfilling and enriching university experience. For the resources and guidance tailored specifically to TPg students, please refer to: www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/taught_postgraduate_student_support .
Special Educational Need (SEN) Support Services
Following its guiding principles on equal opportunities and with the concerted efforts of departments and offices, the University is committed to providing care and support to students with SEN in order to enhance their participation in the academic activities and campus life. The University will provide the appropriate and reasonable arrangements, insofar as they do not impose unjustifiable hardship on the University or alter the objectives and requirements or lower the standards of the programme, curriculum or course. For further information, please refer to: www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/sen/support_service .