For details, please refer to the University website (Major Projects): link
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
General Research Fund
- Examining Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presences and Learning Outcomes in the Metaverse via an Intelligent Multimodal Learning Analytics Approach
- On the Multiple-Regime Hysteretic (Buffered) Time Series Models
- Detecting and Constraining Axion Dark Matter by Using the Data of the Inner Galactic Center
- Two-photon Excited Photocatalysts for Red/NIR-light Promoted CO2 reduction and Chromoselective Photoredox Transformation
- Vanishing viscosity solutions to a family of active vector equations for modelling magnetic relaxation
- How Walk Onset Influences Language Development in Children with Elevated Likelihood of ASD?
- E-learning through Adaptive Gamification: Effects on Students' Course Engagement, Self-efficacy and Learning Performance
- Unraveling the Dynamics of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes and Pathogens in Microplastic Biofilm in Marine Aquaculture Environment: Assemblage, Dissemination, and Associated Environmental and Health Implications
General Research Fund
- Balance Bike: An Evidenced Solution for Better Postural Stability and Control in Children
- Power of Texts: Inscriptions on Ritual Objects of the Han Period (206 BCE−220 CE)
- Two-photon Excited Photoredox Transformation with Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
- From the Non-ergodicity in Physics to the Non-convexity in Optimization – How do They Manifest Themselves in the Variable Space? Implications and Applications
- Identification of an Effective Two-stage Adaptive Intervention for Reducing Loneliness among Hong Kong Chinese Older Adults
- The Design and Practice of Synchronous Online Mathematics Instruction: A Visual Learning Analytics-supported Design-based Study
General Research Fund
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Benefit-finding Intervention for Dementia Family Caregivers
- Activated Carbon Made from Rice Husks and Coconut Shells as Feed Supplement for Reducing Uptake of Metal/Loids, PAHs and PCBs by Nile Tilapia
- Detecting Dark Matter Signals by Radio Observations
- Reducing Loneliness among Hong Kong Older Adults: A Three-arm Randomized Controlled Trial
- Technocrats and Mid-level Policy Entrepreneurship in China: Explaining Local Policy Innovations in the Social Welfare Arena
- Wellposedness and Singularity Formation of Inviscid Active Scalar Equations with Even or Odd Constitutive Law
- Why Does Learning to Ride a Bike Improve Executive Functions in Children with ASD?
- Examining Hong Kong Older Adult’s Intention in Esports Participation, Using Theory of Planned Behaviors
- A Bayesian Approach to Precipitation Reconstruction in China During the Little Ice Age Based on Archives of Societies
- Evaluating the Panentheistic Properties of Our Natural World
General Research Fund
- A Multi-disciplinary Study of the Multiverse Hypothesis
- Asymptotic Behavior and Anomalous Dissipation of a General Class of Forced Active Scalar Equations
- Climate Change and Agrarian-nomadic Migration across the Great Wall during the Little Ice Age
- Preparation for Post Pandemic Society: Providing Technology-Supported Adaptive Scaffoldings for Students with Mathematics Learning Difficulties in Hong Kong Primary Schools
- The Japanese Shakuhachi or Chinese Chiba? Investigating the Modern Shakuhachi in China
- Online SDT Informed Intervention Motivates Children to Exercise at Home: A RCT Study
- Shaping Students’ Lived Space of Mathematics Learning: How Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Values Affect Their Teaching
General Research Fund
- Creating connections: A study of the impact and effectiveness of a visual arts teacher-curator pedagogy
- Design of visible-light-driven photoelectrocatalytic system with high adsorption capacity and removal efficiency as a new route for the ambient reduction of NOx to N2
- Effect of Game-based High-Intensity Interval Training Program on the Executive Function of Children with ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- High-skilled migration policies of Chinese cities: variation and explanations
- Income Inequality, Sense of Fairness, and Participation in Democratic Movements: Evidence from Hong Kong
- Inviscid limit and long time behaviour for a class of active scalar equations with physical applications
- Pharmaceutical residues in the source water and water treatment system
- Playing the hardball: Impacts of European regulatory externalization on Asia’s capital markets
- The Dynamics of Policy Experimentation in the Social Policy Sphere: Policy Innovation and Diffusion in China’s Public Hospital Reform
- The reconstruction of a Marxist-centred belief system in Chinese state education
- Design and synthesis of porous coordination polymers for luminescence sensing and towards adsorptive removal of water pollutants – from heavy metals to pharmaceuticals and personal care products
General Research Fund
- Effects of Future-time Perspective and Goal Clarity Intervention on Financial Preparation for Old Age in Hong Kong
- Policy Transfer and Convergence: Multilateral Agencies and the Transfer of Competition and Regulatory Policy in Asia
- Immigration Policies and Attitudes toward Highly Skilled Immigrants in Hong Kong
- A Reappraisal of Ancient Glass in the Han period (206 BCE−220 CE)
- Hong Kong Art Deco: Theatre Buildings and the Rise of Modern Cinema in Transforming the City’s Socio-cultural Landscape
- National Education as Cultural Education: Developing Students’ Chinese Cultural Identity with Learning and Teaching Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong and Guangzhou
- Early 20th Century Mediated Pedagogy: An Historical Study of the Emergence of Music Appreciation
- Effects of Marathon Participation Experience on Stride-to-stride Variability during Prolonged Running
- Latent Variable Models for Multifaceted Subspace Clustering
- A Self-regulated Vocabulary Learning Approach Supported by a Mobile-user-generated-content Tool for Pupils in Hong Kong
- Estimating the Key Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) by Effect Directed Analysis (EDA) in Children's Urine in Hong Kong and Belgium
- Emerging Organic Flame Retardants in Marine Wildlife
- Catalysis for the Photochemical Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide from Dioxygen
- Resolving the Mystery of Deep Learning by Statistical Physics
- Remaking Chinese Families: Narratives and Practices of Adoptive Families in Hong Kong
- Marine Conservation and Recreational Diving Activities in Marine Protected Areas of Hong Kong
- Power sharing in the School-based Values Education Curriculum: Implications for Critical Pedagogy Practice
- No Heritage Found on the Map: The Vanishing Villages of Hong Kong
- Vegetable-based Biochar Added in Fish Feed for Lowering Uptake of Persistent Toxic Substances by Grass Carp