The Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE) initiated the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project in 2021 to promote a global mindset in our student-teachers. In COIL, ECE lecturers partner with peers from overseas institutions to plan online activities for their students to meet, learn from, and connect with international peers and lecturers. Watch the video below to learn more about COIL at the ECE Department at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).
Post-collaboration Articles
Through engaging with overseas peers and educators, students from our faculty learn global perspectives and international best practices and develop intercultural knowledge and skills. Please click the buttons below for examples of COIL collaborations between ECE and overseas lecturers and how they benefited our students.

Recognition of ECE Faculty Members' Participation in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in Semester 2, 2022/2023
12 Jun 2023
Dr. Li Minyi Guest Lectures on Comparative Early Childhood Sustainability Education in Ms. Carmen Choi’s Classroom
29 May 2023
Dr Anika Saxena Collaborates with Maestro Octavio Flores Orozco for Virtual Exchange for Hong Kong and Mexican Students
29 May 2023
Dr. Annie Li and Mrs. Melissa Russell Collaborated on a Virtual Exchange between Hong Kong & USA
23 May 2023
Dr. Zhou Yanling and Dr. Hu Aihua Organized an Online Exchange for Hong Kong and Norway Students
22 May 2023
Mr. Ken Chan Chung Kit Invites Ms. Angela Yang to Give a Lecture on Home-School Collaboration in Singapore Preschools
15 May 2023Acknowledgement
Source: Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE@EdUHK); for more information, please click Global Perspectives @ ECE Department