职员 | 研究领域 |
Prof. Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko | Higher education policy studies; academic leadership and governance; academic agency, freedom and responsibilities; world-class universities; international research collaborations; internationalization; post-soviet transformation |
Dr. Bhowmik Miron Kumar | Diversity, equity and inclusion in education, ‘out of school’ / dropout / school failure issues, ethnic minority education, inclusive leadership, critical discourse, ICT in education, and acculturative stress and coping behaviour |
Dr. Bryant Darren Anthony | Educational reform, leadership preparation, middle leadership, and leadership in international schools |
Dr. Chan Tsan Ming Kenneth | Extra-curricular activities, privatisation and educational service, juvenile delinquency and student discipline, and team building in school |
Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong | Education reform, paradigm shift in education, internationalisation of higher education, leadership, teacher education and development, school autonomy, and 21st century learning |
Dr. Chen Junjun | Educational beliefs on teaching, learning, and assessment, teacher effectiveness and development, teacher emotions, and structural equation modeling |
Dr. Choi Soobin | Educational leadership, school organization, school improvement, global citizenship, and quantitative research |
Mr. Chong Yiu Kwong | Education law, human rights, human rights education, rule of law, and rule of law education |
Dr. Gümüş Sedat | Instructional leadership, leadership development, professional learning, work attitudes, equity in education, systematic reviews, and quantitative research |
Prof. Halse Christine Margaret | The sociology of intercultural relations, ethnic minorities, international students, and exclusion in schools, international and multicultural education, and students’ and teachers’ intercultural learning |
Dr. Ho Chun Sing Maxwell | Middle leadership, teacher professional development, entrepreneurial behaviour, business and personal financial education, and entrepreneurship education |
Dr. Keung Pui Chi Chrysa | Educational inequality, sociology of education, early childhood education, play-based learning, child and family studies |
Dr. Ko Yue On James | Educational effectiveness, educational leadership and educational management, teacher education, learning assessment, psycholinguistics, TESOL, IT in education, learning disabilities, mixed methods methodology, data visualisation, and learner analytics |
郭礼贤博士 | Collaborative learning communities, Policy analysis in education, Private supplementary tutoring in basic education, Project-based learning and electronic portfolio, School principalship and educational leadership, Teacher Professional Development through Action Research |
林浩玮先生 | Teacher Professionalism, Students’ Wellbeing, Business and Personal Financial Education |
Dr. Lee Tai Hoi Theodore | Teacher development and leadership, inquiry learning, and assessment for learning |
Dr. Lee Tze Lok Trevor | Stratification, parenting, and policy |
梁永达博士 | Critical pedagogy, Civic education, Experiential learning, School-community partnership, Democratization of schools, Teacher professionalism and agency |
Dr. Leung Yan Wing | Civic education, national education, human rights education, personal and social education, educational policy, values and moral education |
Dr. Lo Wai Yin | Education and development, interface analysis of educational projects, educational knowledge building in Hong Kong and China |
Dr. Lu Jiafang | School management team, simulation-based training, work-life role interaction, cooperation and competition in leadership, teamwork and conflict management, and affect at work |
駱嘉惠博士 | Learning-oriented assessment and feedback, competency development, AI implications for higher education/teacher education, intercultural education, qualitative methods |
Prof. MACFARLANE, Bruce John | higher education, academic leadership, intellectual leadership, academic ethos, freedom, ethics, and practice |
Dr. Muller, G. Chris | International mindedness, global citizenship, and international education. |
Dr. Oldac, Yusuf Ikbal | Globalisation and international higher education, Global research system, Knowledge production, Higher education policy, Higher Education in Southeast Asia, Higher Education in West Asia |
Dr. Poole Adam | Sociology of education, primary and secondary education, and teacher professionalism |
Dr. Poon Yu Hin | Sociology of education, educational policy and equality, identity studies, and school ethnography |
Dr. Quong Terrence Edward | School leadership, strategic planning, evidence based practice in schools |
Dr. Tang Hei Hang Hayes | Sociology of education (especially education and society in East Asia), higher education, youth entrepreneurship, education governance in the age of citizen activism, democratisation and education, alignment between higher education and work/professions, academic entrepreneurialism, scholarship of application, knowledge exchange/ transfer and 'service university', nationalism and internationalism in education, Hong Kong higher education policies, academic professions in Hong Kong and South Korea, and Hong Kong post-90s generation |
Dr. Tang Yee Fan Sylvia | Field Experience, mentoring, teacher assessment, teacher professional development |
曾国权博士 | Teachers' work, teachers' emotions, job burnout, education governance, and school leadership and management |
Prof. Walker Allan David | Educational leadership, comparative educational leadership, curriculum leadership, leader development, education & development, school effectiveness and school improvement, school organisation and educational administration, education and politics, qualitative methods |
Dr. Wong Koon Lin Linnie | Diversity and minority education, refugee education, teacher education, citizenship education, moral and servant leadership, teacher leadership |
Mr. Wong Wai Hung | Experimental learning, life and death education, and moral education |
Dr. Ying Ji | Sociology of education, educational policy studies, intercultural education, equity, diversity and inclusion in education, teachers’ professional ethics and identity, qualititative methodology |