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National Flag Raising Ceremony on HKSAR Establishment Day

In celebration of the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held a National Flag Raising Ceremony on its Tai Po campus this morning (1 July).
The Ceremony was attended by Council Chairman Dr David Wong Yau-kar, Deputy Council Chairman Professor Terence Chan Ho-wah, Council members, senior management, staff, students and alumni, together with students and parents from EdUHK Jockey Club Primary School and EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre, as well as Ms Lu Ke, Second Secretary of International Organization and Conference Department and Ms Zeng Lu, Attaché of the policy department of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR. During the ceremony, the national, regional and university flags were raised by a team made up of EdUHK students.
Dr Wong said, “It is my honour to join the flag raising ceremony with EdUHK staff and students to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR.”  


President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin said, “The ceremony is an ideal way to enhance the sense of nationhood and national identity among staff and students. I am thrilled to see students, staff and alumni of the University, as well as students and parents of primary school and kindergarten, to join this solemn and meaningful event.”


Wong Sze Man, a Year One student in the Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language), was the flag raiser of the national flag. She said it was an extraordinary experience to participate the event, “Holding the national flag makes me feel proud.”
EdUHK conducts flag raising ceremonies every Monday and on important dates, including the New Year’s Day, National Security Education Day, HKSAR Establishment Day, the National Day and the school commencement day.

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