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Hong Kong Rural Women under Chinese Rule: Gender Politics, Reunification and Globalization in Post-colonial Hong Kong
Hong Kong Rural Women under Chinese Rule: Gender Politics, Reunification and Globalization in Post-colonial Hong Kong2019

This book explores gender dynamics in the indigenous villages (also known as walled villages) in post-handover Hong Kong. It traces the historical development of the walled villages, outlines the nature of walled village society, and explores the changes currently at work, including the erosion of the rural-urban divide...

Isabella Ng Fung-sheung

192 pages

ISBN: 9781138497078

Social Support, Well-being and Teacher Development
Social Support, Well-being and Teacher Development2019

The under-theorised position of the emotional aspect of teaching and the declining mental health of school students and teachers have prompted the author to embark on an investigation into the social function of teaching. This book explores social support from its origin in health psychology...

Lam Bick-har

312 pages

‎ISBN electronic: ‎9789811335778

ISBN print: 9789811335754

Transformations in Higher Education Governance in Asia: Policy, Politics and Progress
Transformations in Higher Education Governance in Asia: Policy, Politics and Progress2019

This book assesses policy and governance approaches to the provision of higher education in Asia, focusing on national level differences, policy variation in terms of public versus private financing models, access and equity, and the treatment of academic labour.

Edited by Darryl Jarvis and Mok Ka-ho

243 pages

‎ISBN electronic: ‎9789811392948

ISBN print: 9789811392931

Twenty-first Century Skills, Career and Life Planning Education
Twenty-first Century Skills, Career and Life Planning Education2019


John Lee Chi-Kin, Christina Yu Wai-mui and Sammy Hui King-fai

251 pages

ISBN: 9789862661949

Dual Career Pathway of Elite Athletes
Dual Career Pathway of Elite Athletes2018

The book encapsulates the unswerving determination of 12 elite athletes who have struggled to balance their university studies with intensive and demanding training schedules.

Tse Ngo-Sheung, Compiled by the Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

283 pages

ISBN: 9789620435232