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Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs
Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs2018

This book addresses the growing concerns about the relevance of educational systems to the economic and social needs of individuals through examining different aspects of transitions from school to work or further studies, and within informal settings.

Editors: Margarita Pavlova, John Lee Chi-Kin and Rupert Maclean

200 pages

ISBN: 9789811064746


This book written by former Secretary for Transport and Housing of the Hong Kong SAR Government (2012-17) was named “Best Political and Economic Book” at the 5th Hong Kong Golden Book Awards.

張炳良 著

256 pages

ISBN: 9789888513222


This book, written from a policymaker’s perspective, reviews transport policies and issues (including transport infrastructure projects) during the author’s tenure as Secretary for Transport and Housing of the Hong Kong SAR Government (2012-17).

張炳良 著

270 pages

ISBN: 9789888513239

放寬一帶一路的視界 困難與考驗
放寬一帶一路的視界 困難與考驗2018

The Belt and Road Initiative encompasses geopolitical, economic and cultural aspects, and to participate and succeed in any of these, multiple perspectives are indispensable. This book brings together scholars from universities in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Europe to explore and reflect on the geopolitical and economic challenges...

羅金義、趙致洋 主編

272 pages

ISBN: 9789888513215


The first part of the book discusses the difference between “Reading aloud” and “Recitation”, then proceeds to analyse the elements and approaches of recitation, such as pause, stress, rate of speech, rhythm, tone and intonation. By referencing a number of modern and classical poems, the book examines the key points to note when expressing feelings through recitation.

施仲謀、葉植興 著

200 pages

ISBN: 9789888513178