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Hiphang Development Programme
Principals' Development Unit
Principalship Research
Teaching Development Project for Understanding Hong Kong Educational Context
Teaching Development Project for Productive Human Relationships in School
Developmental Guidance in Primary Schools
Academic Exchange with Mainland



Hiphang Development Programme

The Hiphang Project is made up of fourteen primary schools and five lecturers from the EMPS Department. Project members have identified five important principles that guide their relationship:

1.     self-help,
2.     mutual respect,
3.     equal status,
4.     give-and-take, and
5.     active participation.

During the 1997-98 school year, activities included school exchange visits, needs assessment, a forum on ECR 7, staff development on SAMS, and a public forum on the Quality Education Development Fund. The latter was attended by over 500 school principals.


Principals' Development Unit

The Principals’ Development Unit (PDU) was started in the Fall Term of 1998.   Funding for the 1998-99 academic year comes from the University Grants Commission's Interface between Tertiary and School Sectors. The PDU serves as an interface between the Institute and schools by working collaboratively with school principals to identify the professional development needs of school leaders, design and carry out learning activities (workshops, seminars, etc.) for principals, involve principals in evaluation and decision-making, and gather advice from principals on teacher education.


Principalship Research

Members of the Management Group are working together on a research project that seeks to identify the expectations held by principals, teachers, parents, and students for the role of the principal. A companion study is underway on the values and ethics associated with the principalship.


Teaching Development Project for Understanding Hong Kong Educational Context

A database and a set of reading materials are now being prepared in order to broaden the scope of learning of the prospective teachers for the module Understanding Hong Kong Educational Context.


Teaching Development Project for Productive Human Relationships in School

Bilingual study notes were recently developed for the teaching of the module, Productive Human Relationships in School. These materials provide language support for students so that they can improve their understanding of theoretical models related to productive human relationships.


Developmental Guidance in Primary Schools

Lecturers with research interest in guidance had initiated visits, academic and experience exchange with the Education Department and local primary schools. Two visits were arranged last June to pilot schools in Growth with Guidance Project. Cooperation in research, staff and curriculum development was enhanced. School Institute Parent Education Support SchemeIn this scheme, our staff members and student teachers work together in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a series of parent education programme.


Academic Exchange with Mainland

The Department started its academic exchange with institutions and scholars in mainland from 1996. In 1998, a trip was organised to visit Shanghai to exchange ideas and information with academics, government officials and practitioners on various fields such as principal training, school-based management, guidance and counselling, home-school cooperation and teacher development. It was followed by the visit by Professor Wu Zhihong of the East China Normal University to the Institute.


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