ELE Had a Productive Meeting with Language Institute Thammasat University (LITU) Colleagues to Discuss Potential Research and Knowledge Transfer Collaboration
ELE Had a Productive Meeting with Language Institute Thammasat University (LITU) Colleagues to Discuss Potential Research and Knowledge Transfer Collaboration
- 2024年03月07日
- 伙伴及协助

Prof. John Trent Joined a Capacity-Building Project to Promote Opportunities for Cross-Institutional Collaboration and Potential Knowledge Transfer
- 2024年03月05日
- 伙伴及协助

EdUHK Recently Implemented a Capacity-Building Project at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University in Kazakhstan
- 2024年02月26日
- 伙伴及协助

Award for Excellent FE Supervision (Semester II, 2022/23)
- 2024年01月30日
- 荣誉及成就

人文学院关爱表扬计划 2022/2023
- 2023年08月09日
- 荣誉及成就